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法規名稱(Title) Administrative Regulations on Amateur Radios Ch
修正日期(Amended Date) 2018.01.12

  Chapter III Establishment of an Amateur Station

Article 14
All amateur stations shall be classified into Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 and grouped into fixed or mobile amateur stations by the method of establishment.
An amateur operator may apply for the establishment of the following amateur stations:
1. A Class 1 amateur operator may apply for the establishment of a Class 1, 2 or 3 amateur station;
2. A Class 2 amateur operator may apply for the establishment of a Class 2 or 3 amateur station;
3. A Class 3 amateur operator may apply for the establishment of a Class 3 amateur station.
Those who wish to establish an amateur station, with the exception of a temporary station, shall apply for its establishment permit; the amateur station shall not be operated until it has been approved and a station license has been issued.
An amateur transceiver used for the establishment of a mobile amateur station shall meet one of the following requirements:
1. The output power is lower than 25 watts; or
2. The output power is greater than 25 watts and lower than 50 watts and the band of emission frequency is below 50 MHz.
Article 15
Each amateur operator who establishes the amateur station shall be in accordance with the following rules:
1. The number of the fixed amateur station shall be limited to one per person, except for the special amateur stations provided in Article 18 and temporary stations provided in Article 19; there shall be no more than 6 amateur radio apparatus with one license per station.
2. The number of apparatus used for a mobile amateur station shall be limited to 5 per person with one license per station.
3. An amateur operator may first operate an amateur station with only function for receiving amateur messages to familiarize with the ordinary practice of amateur radio communications.
Article 16
For those who apply for a license for a fixed amateur station, when the station is to be established with an amateur apparatus which has qualified with a type approval, the following documents shall be prepared and submitted to the competent authority for the establishment application. A fixed amateur station will be issued once the station passes the inspection:
1. The application form for the establishment of fixed amateur station;
2. Photocopy of amateur operator license; and
3. Photocopy of the type approval certificate or documents for the amateur transceiver proposed or the type approval number.
In case that the applicant mentioned in the previous paragraph is proposed with an amateur apparatus without type approval, it shall be submitted to the competent authority with the photocopy of documents mentioned in Subparagraphs 1 and 2 of the previous paragraph in addition to the technical specifications (including frequencies and output power) of the apparatus. A qualification label and a fixed amateur station license will be issued after the station passes the inspection.
The establishment permit shall be valid for six months. If the applicant fails to complete the establishment prior to expiration of the establishment permit, the applicant shall state the reasons by document and apply to the competent authority for an extension of the establishment period for another six months. Such application shall be made one month starting from two months prior to the expiration of establishment permit and limited to once.
Those who fail the station inspection may apply for a second inspection while the establishment permit is still valid. However, only one second inspection is allowed.
The fixed amateur station establishment application form shall specify the following:
1. Applicant’s name, amateur operator license number, operator’s class and the class of the station to be applied for;
2. The purpose of establishment;
3. The location of the station;
4. Apparatus brand, model, serial number, transmitting frequencies and power.
The fixed amateur station license shall specify the following:
1. The name of the station, call sign, the location of the station;
2. Names of the owner and the person responsible for the station;
3. Amateur operator license number;
4. Apparatus brand, model, serial number, transmitting frequencies, power, and the mode of transmission
5. Issuance date and expiration date.
Article 17
For those who apply for a mobile amateur station license with an amateur apparatus which has passed the type approval, the following documents shall be prepared and submitted to the competent authority. The mobile amateur station license will be issued after the station passes the inspection:
1. Application form for the mobile amateur station license;
2. Photocopy of the amateur operator license.
In case that the applicant mentioned in the previous paragraph is proposed with an amateur apparatus without type approval, the amateur transceiver shall be prepared with technical specifications, such as frequencies and output power, and submitted to the competent authority for application in addition to the documents mentioned in the previous paragraph. An apparatus type approval qualification label and a mobile amateur station license will be issued after the station passes the inspection.
A second application may be requested for failure of the first station inspection; however, only one second inspection will be granted.
The mobile amateur station license application form shall specify the following:
1. Name of the applicant, number and class of amateur operator license, and class of the station to be applied for;
2. Purpose of establishment; and
3. Apparatus brand, model, serial number, transmission frequency and power.
The mobile amateur station license shall specify the following:
1. Name and call sign of station;
2. Name of the owner;
3. Number of the amateur operator license;
4. Apparatus brand, model, serial number, transmission frequency and power; and
5. Issuance date and expiration date.
Article 18
Applications for establishment of an amateur station for any of the following special amateur stations shall be made to the competent authority for approval through a national amateur radio group. The application aforementioned shall include the application form for the special amateur station and call sign assignment, as well as the management plan of establishment and operation. Having been approved by the competent authority, the applicant shall then submit documentation showing approval from the competent authority and apply for an amateur station license in accordance with Article 16:
1. Radio beacon station;
2. Repeater station;
3. Earth station;
4. Space station;
5. Remote control station;
6. Telemetry station; and
7. Telecommand station.
The competent authority shall be informed when the applicant submits the application mentioned in the previous application.
The national amateur radio group shall forward the application form and the establishment and operation management plan to the competent authority within 14 days from the day that the application is received from the applicant.
The following information shall be stated in the application form for a special amateur station as mentioned in Paragraph 1:
1. Name of applicant, number of the amateur operator license, operator’s class and the class of the station to be applied for, and the name and license number of the operator if the amateur operator who is in charge of adjusting and controlling the station is not the applicant;
2. Purpose of establishment and expected benefits;
3. Address of the station for establishment;
4. System structure diagram(s);
5. The call sign of the special amateur station if the original amateur station call sign is not intended to be used, frequency used, transmission power, transmission method, operation duration and location of the station for establishment.
The following shall be stated in the establishment and operation management plan mentioned in Paragraph 1:
1. Common items:
(1) Operating method and structure for the control of station;
(2) Whether the amateur radio device is capable of receiving only or both receiving and transmitting;
(3) Principle of transmitting station call sign, including time intervals;
(4) The proposal of the maintenance method and maintenance duration of communication records;
(5) The implementation to cease transmission when the competent authority informs that the station operation or contents of transmission violate applicable regulations or generate harmful interference. However, this is exempted for local control mentioned in Article 37.
2. The following shall be provided additionally for applications for a space station:
(1) Interference evaluation for the frequency(ies) used;
(2) Method of forwarding signals or messages, their source subjects, and the principles before and during control for harmonic use of frequencies and the prevention of forwarding signals or messages transmitted due to the operation behaviors prohibited in Article 42;
(3) Type and altitude of space orbit used, schematics and current status of the satellite(s) operating along that orbit;
(4) Power source of the station, evaluation of operation period and the method of handling the station after its operation; and
(5) List of telecommand stations and their call signs.
3. The items specified in Subparagraphs 1 and 2 of the previous paragraph shall be provided with the application for a repeater station.
Article 19
For the establishment and use of a temporary station, the amateur operator shall submit the application form for the temporary station and call sign assignment to the competent authority through a national amateur radio group for the approval and assignment of temporary station call sign 10 days prior to the intended establishment.
The establishment and operation of a temporary station shall be limited to 6 months.
For the application for temporary station in Paragraph 1, an amateur apparatus for which an amateur station license has been acquired shall be used.
The competent authority shall be informed when the applicant submits the application mentioned in Paragraph 1.
The following shall be stated in the application form for the temporary station and call sign assignment mentioned in Paragraph 1:
1. Name of applicant, name of the amateur station owner, number of amateur operator license, call sign of the station, operator’s class, contact phone number and address of residence;
2. The call sign of temporary station to be used; frequency to be used, transmission power, method of emission, service period, location of the station and the number of original amateur station license; and
3. Purpose of the establishment.
Article 20
An application that is lacking any required document(s) or is deemed to be incomplete shall be corrected upon the notification of the competent authority. Failure to provide the required document(s) or required contents will result in rejection of the application.
Article 21
The amateur station license shall be valid for five years.
The owner of an amateur station shall apply to the competent authority for renewal of the license within 5 months from 6 months prior to the expiration of the station license.
Should the license mentioned in Paragraph 1 be lost, damaged, or its content changed, the owner of the amateur station shall apply to the competent authority for replacement or renewal. The expiration date of the new or replacement license shall be identical to the original one.
Article 22
For the change of amateur station equipment or location of a fixed amateur station proposed by the amateur station owner, an application form for station changes shall be submitted to the competent authority. The station shall not be used until the application is approved and the station license has been renewed.
The application for changes may be exempted for the change of a fixed amateur station mentioned in the previous paragraph in the case of an application for the establishment of a temporary station with an amateur apparatus for which a fixed amateur station license has been granted. However, the station equipment shall be removed and restored back to its original station location of establishment once the temporary station expires or is no longer in use before it expires.
Article 23
The antenna for an amateur station shall not violate the regulation for building restriction around airport, aviation ground, and the navigation aids related facilities. A safe distance shall be kept between an amateur station antenna and any high-voltage cable. An antenna that is more than 60m tall above ground level shall be provided with aviation markers and beacon lights to avoid endangering public safety.