
所有條文 Article Content

法規名稱(Title) Regulations for Examination of Public Telecommunications Networks Ch
公發布日期(Announced Date) 2020.07.02

  Chapter Ⅰ General Provisions

Article 1
These Regulations are enacted in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 5, Article 39 of the Telecommunications Management Act (hereinafter referred to as the Act).
Article 2
The terms used in these Regulations are defined as follows:
1. Fixed telecommunications network: refers to a telecommunications network composed of one or more fixed telecommunications systems and their telecommunications equipment.
2. Mobile telecommunications network: refers to a telecommunications network composed of one or more mobile telecommunications systems and their telecommunications equipment.
3. Satellite telecommunications network: refers to a telecommunications network composed of one or more satellite telecommunications systems and their telecommunications equipment.
4. Voice telecommunications services: refers to the two-way or multi-way voice services provided to users through public telecommunications networks by dialing telecommunications numbers.
5. Data telecommunications services: refers to the telecommunications services that use public telecommunication networks to provide users with non-voice telecommunications services such as the transmission, exchange, access and processing of data.
6. Multimedia content transporting platform services: refers to the multimedia content services on a platform constructed by the audio-visual media interactive interface and audio-visual content storage equipment of the public telecommunications network, in an unopened environment where the telecommunications enterprise can control, for subscribers to access multimedia content offered by content providers on the platform through broadband access circuits and the subscriber’s set-top box.
7. Value-added telecommunications services: refers to profit-seeking telecommunications services that use the public telecommunications network and additional related application systems and equipment provided by the telecommunications enterprise, to provide users with services such as information storage, retrieval, processing, storage, transfer, and utilization.
Article 3
The types of public telecommunication networks include fixed telecommunications networks, mobile telecommunications networks and satellite telecommunications networks. Applicants may set up or combine different types of public telecommunication networks.