
法規沿革 Legislative History

法規名稱(Title) Regulations for Qualifying and Governing of Senior Telecommunications Engineer and Telecommunications Engineer Ch
修正日期(Amended Date) 2013.07.22
1. Promulgated by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications Letter No. Chao Yu Fa No.8613 on February 12, 1997
2. The amendments of Article 4 and Article 5 are hereby promulgated by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications Letter No. Chao Yu Fa No.8651 on June 27, 1997
3. The amendments of are hereby promulgated by the Minister of Transportation and Communications Letter No. Chao Yu Fa 091B000102 on September 13, 2002
4. The amendments of Article 2 and Article 6 to Article 8 are hereby promulgated by National Communications Commission on Jul. 20 2007. Ref: Tong Chuan Fa No. 09605104361
5. The amendments of Article 1 and Article 7 are hereby promulgated by National Communications Commission on Jul. 22 2013. Ref: Tong Chuan Zi Ji No. 10243025950