法規沿革 Legislative History
1. Dian-Sin-Guei-Zih No.0910509538-0, Article 43 of the Full Text Promulgated by the order of the “The Directorate General of Telecommunications Ministry of Transportation and Communications” on November 29, 2002 .
2. Dian-Sin-Jhuan-Zih No.0920508715-0, Article 23, Article 41, Amended and Promulgated by the order of the “The Directorate General of Telecommunications Ministry of Transportation and Communications” on October 3, 2003 .
3. Tong-Chuan-Tzu-Zih No.09605038540, Amended and Promulgated by the order of the National Communications Commissions on April 4, 2007.
4. Tong-Chuan-Fa-Zih No.09605105731, Amended and Promulgated by the order of the National Communications Commissions on July 13, 2008.
5. Tong-Chuan-Tzu-Zih No.09742022340, Article 35, Amended and Promulgated by the order of the National Communications Commissions on November 5, 2008.
6. Tong-Chuan-Tzu-Zih No.10643013230, Amended and Promulgated by the order of the National Communications Commissions on June 13, 2017.
7. Tong-Chuan-Zi-Yuan No.10743030090, Amended and Promulgated by the order of the National Communications Commissions on January 2, 2019