
法規沿革 Legislative History

法規名稱(Title) Regulations Governing Number Portability Ch
修正日期(Amended Date) 2014.06.04
1.50 article were promulgated by Directorate General of Telecommunications, MOTC, on Nov.24, 2003, Ref. the Order DIAN HSIN GUEI No.09205102320
2.The amended Article 19, 22 were promulgated by Directorate General of Telecommunications, MOTC, on Sep 22, 2005, Ref. the Order DIAN HSIN GUEI No. 09405075140
3.The amended Article 2, 6, 7, 10, 13to15, 18to25, 31, 34 and43 were promulgated by the NCC on July 5, 2007, Ref. the Order Tong-Chuan Fa No. 09605096211
4.The amended Article 6, 50 were promulgated by the NCC on January 11, 2011, Ref. the Order Tong-Chuan Fa No. 10046000060
5.The amended Article 15 was promulgated by the NCC on February 01, 2011, Ref. the Order Tong-Chuan Fa No. 10041002730
6.The amended Article 11, 13, 14 were promulgated by the NCC on June 04, 2014, Ref. the Order Tong-Chuan En No. 10341022460