


法規類別:衛星廣播電視 20 筆 Result List

公發布日 中/英文法規名稱
1. 2024.11.11 衛星廣播電視事業及境外衛星廣播電視事業評鑑審查辦法
Regulations Governing the Assessment and Examination of Satellite Broadcasting Business and Foreign satellite broadcasting business
2. 2024.11.08 國家通訊傳播委員會處理衛星廣播電視節目供應者申請變更營運計畫作業要點
Directions for National Communications Commission’s Conduction on Operation Plans Amendment Application of Satellite Broadcasting Services Suppliers
3. 2024.03.20 衛星廣播電視節目起迄時間認定與廣告播送方式及數量分配辦法
Regulations on the Duration of Programs and the Distribution and Number of Advertisements of Satellite Broadcasting Businesses
4. 2022.07.01 衛星廣播電視事業設置地球電臺管理辦法
Administrative Rules on the Establishment of Earth Stations by Satellite Broadcasters
5. 2022.05.18 衛星廣播電視法
Satellite Broadcasting Act
6. 2019.11.20 衛星頻道節目供應事業播送本國節目管理辦法
Regulations on Satellite Broadcasting Program Supplier Broadcasting Domestically-Produced Programs
7. 2018.05.17 衛星廣播電視事業及境外衛星廣播電視事業換照審查辦法
Examination Regulations for the License Renewal of Satellite Broadcasting and Foreign Satellite Broadcasting Businesses
8. 2018.02.08 衛星廣播電視事業及境外衛星廣播電視事業申設審查辦法
Examination Regulations on the Establishment Application of Satellite Broadcasting Businesses and Foreign Satellite Broadcasting Businesses
9. 2018.02.08 衛星廣播電視事業境外衛星廣播電視事業及他類頻道節目供應事業申設評鑑換照諮詢會議審議規則
Regulations Governing the Advisory Committee Review of Applications for Establishment, Assessment, and License Renewal of Satellite Broadcasting Businesses, Foreign Satellite Broadcasting Businesses, and Other Type Channel and Program Supply Businesses
10. 2016.12.16 國家通訊傳播委員會執行衛星廣播電視法第三十七條停播處分要點
Enforcement Directions for Suspension of Transmission by National Communications Commission in Accordance with Article 37 of the Satellite Broadcasting Act
11. 2016.11.21 衛星廣播電視事業負責人監督管理辦法
Regulations for the Administration of Responsible Persons of Satellite Broadcasting Businesses
12. 2016.10.19 衛星廣播電視法施行細則
Enforcement Rules for the Satellite Broadcasting Act
13. 2016.10.07 衛星廣播電視事業及境外衛星廣播電視事業申設換照審查辦法
Examination Regulations on the Establishment Application and License Renewal of Satellite Broadcasting Businesses and Foreign Satellite Broadcasting Businesses
14. 2016.10.04 衛星廣播電視購物頻道插播式字幕管理辦法
Regulations on the Use of Captions in Shopping Channels of Satellite Broadcasting Businesses
15. 2016.08.16 衛星廣播電視事業及境外衛星廣播電視事業評鑑作業要點
Directions for Operation Evaluation on Satellite Broadcasting businesses and Foreign Satellite Broadcasting Businesses
16. 2016.07.14 衛星廣播電視事業及境外衛星廣播電視事業申設作業要點
Directions for Station Establishment Application of Satellite Broadcasting Businesses and Foreign Satellite Broadcasting Businesses
17. 2016.07.05 衛星廣播電視廣告製播標準
Standards for advertising production and broadcast of satellite radio and television
18. 2016.01.30 衛星廣播電視事業及境外衛星廣播電視事業業務規費收費標準
Processing Fee Criteria for Satellite Broadcasting Businesses and Foreign Satellite Broadcasting Businesses
19. 2013.05.09 衛星廣播電視使用插播式字幕認定原則
Directions for the Satellite Broadcasting Businesses to use inserted characters in programs
20. 2010.05.12 天然災害及緊急事故傳播事業時段徵用實施要點
Directions for Communications Businesses in the Event of a Natural Disaster or Emergency