


法規類別:電信管理(法) 42 筆 Result List

公發布日 中/英文法規名稱
1. 2024.11.14 實驗研發專用電信網路設置使用管理辦法
Administrative Regulations Governing the Establishment and Use of Dedicated Telecommunications Network for Research and Development Purposes
2. 2024.07.23 專用電信網路設置使用管理辦法
Regulations Governing the Establishment and Use of Dedicated Telecommunications Networks
3. 2024.04.26 電信事業用戶號碼使用管理辦法
Regulations Governing the Use of the Subscriber Numbers on Telecommunications Enterprises
4. 2024.03.14 申請電信事業登記注意事項
Directions for Applying to Register as a Telecommunications Enterprise
5. 2023.11.09 航空器無線電臺管理辦法
Regulations Governing Aircraft Radio Stations
6. 2023.11.09 船舶無線電臺設置使用管理辦法
Regulations Governing the Installation and Use of Ship Radio Stations
7. 2023.11.09 計程車專用電信網路設置使用管理辦法
Administrative Regulations on the Establishment and Operation of the Dedicated Taxi Telecommunications Network
8. 2023.06.28 電信管理法
Telecommunications Management Act
9. 2022.10.05 電信事業普及服務管理辦法
Regulations Governing Universal Service of Telecommunications Enterprises
10. 2021.11.19 電信管理業務規費收費標準
Fee-charging Standards of Processing Telecommunications Management
11. 2021.11.19 電信管制射頻器材製造輸入及申報作業管理辦法
Administrative Regulations on Manufacturing, Import and Report of the Controlled Telecommunications Radio-Frequency Devices
12. 2021.02.22 建築物電信設備審查及審驗機構管理辦法(110.02.22 訂定)
Directions Governing the Management of Review and Inspection Institutes for Telecommunications Equipment of Building
13. 2021.02.22 建築物電信設備及空間設置使用管理規則(110.02.22 訂定)
Regulations for Administration of the Establishment and Use of Telecommunications Equipment and Space in Buildings
14. 2021.01.29 關鍵電信基礎設施資通設備測試機構及驗證機構管理辦法
Regulations for Testing Body and Certification Body Management of Information and Communications Equipment Used by Critical Telecommunications Infrastructure
15. 2021.01.21 關鍵電信基礎設施資通設備資通安全檢測技術規範
Technical Specifications for Security Testing of Information and Communication Equipment for Critical Telecommunications Infrastructure
16. 2020.11.26 市場顯著地位者互連管理辦法
Regulations Governing Interconnection involving Significant Market Power
17. 2020.11.26 市場顯著地位者會計制度及會計處理準則
Accounting Standards and Regulations for the Telecommunications Enterprise with Significant Market Power
18. 2020.11.26 市場顯著地位者認定及解除認定實施辦法
Regulations Governing the Determination and Cancellation of Significant Market Power
19. 2020.11.26 市場顯著地位者資費管理辦法
Regulations governing fees of Telecommunications Enterprise with Significant Market Power
20. 2020.11.24 無線廣播電視電臺設置使用管理辦法(109.11.24 訂定)
Administrative Regulations on the Establishment of Radio and TV Broadcast Station
21. 2020.08.04 電信號碼使用費收費標準
Regulations for Usage Fees of Telecommunications Numbers
22. 2020.07.10 業餘無線射頻電機技術規範
Technical Specifications for Amateur Radio Frequency Equipment
23. 2020.07.10 業餘無線電人員及電臺管理辦法
Administrative Regulations of Amateur Radio Operators and Radio Stations
24. 2020.07.09 網際網路位址及頂級網域名稱註冊管理業務監督辦法
Regulations Supervising Internet Protocol Address and Top Level Domain Name Registration Services
25. 2020.07.09 電信事業資通安全管理辦法
Administration Regulations of Cyber Security on Telecommunications Business
26. 2020.07.08 電信管制射頻器材測試機構及驗證機構管理辦法
Regulations Governing Testing Bodies and Regulatory Certification Bodies for Controlled Telecommunications Radio-Frequency Devices
27. 2020.07.08 電信終端設備測試機構及驗證機構管理辦法
Regulations Governing Testing Bodies and Regulatory Certification Bodies for Telecommunications Terminal Equipment
28. 2020.07.08 電信管制射頻器材審驗管理辦法
Regulations Governing Compliance Approval for Controlled Telecommunications Radio-Frequency Devices
29. 2020.07.08 電信終端設備審驗管理辦法
Regulations Governing Compliance Approval for Telecommunications Terminal Equipment
30. 2020.07.08 電信工程人員資格取得與遴用及電信工程業管理規則
Regulations for Qualifying and Hiring Telecommunications Engineers and the Management of Telecommunications Engineering Enterprises
31. 2020.07.07 電信消費爭議處理機構設立與監督管理辦法
Regulations Governing the Establishment, Supervision and Management of Telecommunications Dispute Resolution Institutions
32. 2020.07.07 公眾電信網路設置申請及審查辦法
Regulations for Application and Examination of Public Telecommunications Network Establishment
33. 2020.07.03 電信事業用戶查詢通信紀錄及帳務紀錄作業辦法
Regulations on Users of Telecommunications Businesses Inquiring Communication and Account Records
34. 2020.07.03 負擔特別義務之電信事業認定標準
Standards for the Identification of Telecommunications Enterprises Which Shall Undertake Special Obligations
35. 2020.07.03 電信事業重大事故無法提供電信服務通報辦法
Regulations for Reporting Telecommunications Services Inaccessible Due to Major Incidents
36. 2020.07.03 公眾電信網路驗證機構管理辦法
Administration Regulations of Regulatory Certification Bodies for Public Telecommunications Networks
37. 2020.07.02 電信事業號碼可攜服務管理辦法
Administrative Regulations for Number Portability Services of Telecommunications Enterprises
38. 2020.07.02 公眾電信網路審驗辦法
Regulations for Examination of Public Telecommunications Networks
39. 2020.07.01 電信事業重大爭議調處辦法
Administrative Regulations for Major Dispute Mediation of Telecommunications Enterprises
40. 2020.06.30 公眾電信網路檢驗辦法
Regulations for Inspection of Public Telecommunications Networks
41. 2020.06.24 電信事業平等接取服務管理辦法
Administrative Regulations for Equal Access Services of Telecommunications Enterprises
42. 2020.06.23 電信事業申請無線電頻率核配辦法
Regulations Governing Application and Assignment of Radio Frequency for Telecommunications Enterprises