


法規類別:全部 202 筆 Result List

公發布日 中/英文法規名稱
1. 2023.11.09 航空器無線電臺管理辦法
Regulations Governing Aircraft Radio Stations
2. 2023.11.09 船舶無線電臺設置使用管理辦法
Regulations Governing the Installation and Use of Ship Radio Stations
3. 2023.11.09 計程車專用電信網路設置使用管理辦法
Administrative Regulations on the Establishment and Operation of the Dedicated Taxi Telecommunications Network
4. 2023.10.13 電視節目廣告區隔與置入性行銷及贊助管理辦法
Regulations for the Distinction between Television Programs and Advertisements, Product Placement Marketing, and Sponsorships
5. 2023.06.28 電信管理法
Telecommunications Management Act
6. 2022.12.29 特殊電信號碼使用費收費標準
Regulations For The Usage Fees Of Specific Telecommunication Numbers
7. 2022.10.05 電信事業普及服務管理辦法
Regulations Governing Universal Service of Telecommunications Enterprises
8. 2022.07.01 衛星廣播電視事業設置地球電臺管理辦法
Administrative Rules on the Establishment of Earth Stations by Satellite Broadcasters
9. 2022.05.18 衛星廣播電視法
Satellite Broadcasting Act
10. 2022.05.04 國家通訊傳播委員會組織法
The National Communications Commission Organization Act
11. 2021.11.19 電信管制射頻器材製造輸入及申報作業管理辦法
Administrative Regulations on Manufacturing, Import and Report of the Controlled Telecommunications Radio-Frequency Devices
12. 2021.11.19 電信管理業務規費收費標準
Fee-charging Standards of Processing Telecommunications Management
13. 2021.03.29 網際網路位址及網域名稱註冊管理業務監督及輔導辦法
Regulations Supervising and Guidance Internet Protocol Address and Domain Name Registration Management Services
14. 2021.02.22 建築物電信設備審查及審驗機構管理辦法(110.02.22 訂定)
Directions Governing the Management of Review and Inspection Institutes for Telecommunications Equipment of Building
15. 2021.02.22 建築物電信設備及空間設置使用管理規則(110.02.22 訂定)
Regulations for Administration of the Establishment and Use of Telecommunications Equipment and Space in Buildings
16. 2021.01.29 關鍵電信基礎設施資通設備測試機構及驗證機構管理辦法
Regulations for Testing Body and Certification Body Management of Information and Communications Equipment Used by Critical Telecommunications Infrastructure
17. 2021.01.21 關鍵電信基礎設施資通設備資通安全檢測技術規範
Technical Specifications for Security Testing of Information and Communication Equipment for Critical Telecommunications Infrastructure
18. 2020.11.26 市場顯著地位者互連管理辦法
Regulations Governing Interconnection involving Significant Market Power
19. 2020.11.26 市場顯著地位者會計制度及會計處理準則
Accounting Standards and Regulations for the Telecommunications Enterprise with Significant Market Power
20. 2020.11.26 市場顯著地位者認定及解除認定實施辦法
Regulations Governing the Determination and Cancellation of Significant Market Power
21. 2020.11.26 市場顯著地位者資費管理辦法
Regulations governing fees of Telecommunications Enterprise with Significant Market Power
22. 2020.11.24 無線廣播電視電臺設置使用管理辦法(65.06.25 訂定)
Administrative Regulations on the Establishment of Radio and TV Broadcast Station
23. 2020.11.24 無線廣播電視電臺設置使用管理辦法(109.11.24 訂定)
Administrative Regulations on the Establishment of Radio and TV Broadcast Station
24. 2020.09.25 行動通信系統基地臺射頻設備技術規範及審驗作業要點
Mobile Telecommunications Base Station RF Equipment Technical Specifications and Approval Inspection Guidelines
25. 2020.08.24 無線電頻率使用費收費標準
Charge Standards of Utilization Fee of Radio Frequency
26. 2020.08.04 電信號碼使用費收費標準
Regulations for Usage Fees of Telecommunications Numbers
27. 2020.07.29 有線廣播電視系統經營者會計制度及其標準程式準則
Regulations Governing the Accounting Systems and Standard Formulas of the Cable Radio and Television System Operators
28. 2020.07.20 通訊傳播類財團法人設立許可及監督辦法
Regulations for the Establishment and Supervision of Communications Foundations
29. 2020.07.10 電信普及服務管理辦法
Telecommunications Universal Service Regulations
30. 2020.07.10 業餘無線射頻電機技術規範
Technical Specifications for Amateur Radio Frequency Equipment
31. 2020.07.10 業餘無線電人員及電臺管理辦法
Administrative Regulations of Amateur Radio Operators and Radio Stations
32. 2020.07.09 實驗研發專用電信網路設置使用管理辦法
Administrative Regulations Governing the Establishment and Use of Dedicated Telecommunications Network for Research and Development Purposes
33. 2020.07.09 專用電信網路設置使用管理辦法
Regulations Governing the Establishment and Use of Dedicated Telecommunications Networks
34. 2020.07.09 網際網路位址及頂級網域名稱註冊管理業務監督辦法
Regulations Supervising Internet Protocol Address and Top Level Domain Name Registration Services
35. 2020.07.09 電信事業資通安全管理辦法
Administration Regulations of Cyber Security on Telecommunications Business
36. 2020.07.08 電信管制射頻器材測試機構及驗證機構管理辦法
Regulations Governing Testing Bodies and Regulatory Certification Bodies for Controlled Telecommunications Radio-Frequency Devices
37. 2020.07.08 電信終端設備測試機構及驗證機構管理辦法
Regulations Governing Testing Bodies and Regulatory Certification Bodies for Telecommunications Terminal Equipment
38. 2020.07.08 電信管制射頻器材審驗管理辦法
Regulations Governing Compliance Approval for Controlled Telecommunications Radio-Frequency Devices
39. 2020.07.08 電信終端設備審驗管理辦法
Regulations Governing Compliance Approval for Telecommunications Terminal Equipment
40. 2020.07.08 電信工程人員資格取得與遴用及電信工程業管理規則
Regulations for Qualifying and Hiring Telecommunications Engineers and the Management of Telecommunications Engineering Enterprises
41. 2020.07.07 電信消費爭議處理機構設立與監督管理辦法
Regulations Governing the Establishment, Supervision and Management of Telecommunications Dispute Resolution Institutions
42. 2020.07.07 公眾電信網路設置申請及審查辦法
Regulations for Application and Examination of Public Telecommunications Network Establishment
43. 2020.07.03 電信事業用戶查詢通信紀錄及帳務紀錄作業辦法
Regulations on Users of Telecommunications Businesses Inquiring Communication and Account Records
44. 2020.07.03 負擔特別義務之電信事業認定標準
Standards for the Identification of Telecommunications Enterprises Which Shall Undertake Special Obligations
45. 2020.07.03 電信事業重大事故無法提供電信服務通報辦法
Regulations for Reporting Telecommunications Services Inaccessible Due to Major Incidents
46. 2020.07.03 公眾電信網路驗證機構管理辦法
Administration Regulations of Regulatory Certification Bodies for Public Telecommunications Networks
47. 2020.07.02 電信事業號碼可攜服務管理辦法
Administrative Regulations for Number Portability Services of Telecommunications Enterprises
48. 2020.07.02 公眾電信網路審驗辦法
Regulations for Examination of Public Telecommunications Networks
49. 2020.07.01 電信事業重大爭議調處辦法
Administrative Regulations for Major Dispute Mediation of Telecommunications Enterprises
50. 2020.06.30 公眾電信網路檢驗辦法
Regulations for Inspection of Public Telecommunications Networks
51. 2020.06.24 電信事業平等接取服務管理辦法
Administrative Regulations for Equal Access Services of Telecommunications Enterprises
52. 2020.06.23 電信事業申請無線電頻率核配辦法
Regulations Governing Application and Assignment of Radio Frequency for Telecommunications Enterprises
53. 2020.04.20 電信終端設備審驗辦法
Compliance Approval Regulations of Telecommunications Terminal Equipment
54. 2020.04.20 行動通信網路業務基地臺設置使用管理辦法
Regulations for Administration of Base Stations of Mobile Communications Network Businesses
55. 2020.04.01 計程車專用無線電臺設置使用管理辦法
Administrative Regulations on the Establishment and Operation of the Dedicated Taxi Radio Station
56. 2020.02.17 第三代行動通信業務管理規則
Regulations for Administration of the Third Generation Mobile Communications Business
57. 2020.02.12 船舶無線電臺管理辦法
The Administrative Regulations on the Ship Radio Station
58. 2019.11.20 無線電視事業播送本國自製節目管理辦法
Regulations on Terrestrial Television Business Broadcasting Domestically-Produced Programs
59. 2019.11.20 衛星頻道節目供應事業播送本國節目管理辦法
Regulations on Satellite Broadcasting Program Supplier Broadcasting Domestically-Produced Programs
60. 2019.09.03 行動寬頻業務管理規則
Regulations for Administration of Mobile Broadband Businesses
61. 2019.08.13 一九○○兆赫數位式低功率無線電話業務管理規則
Regulations for Administration of 1900MHz Digital Low-Power Wireless Telephone Business
62. 2019.08.13 1900MHz 數位式低功率無線電話終端設備技術規範
1900MHz Digital Low Tier WirelessTelephoneTerminal Equipment Technical Specifications
63. 2019.08.13 1900 兆赫數位式低功率 PACS 終端設備技術規範
1900MHz Digital Low Tier PACS Radio Terminal Equipment Technical Specifications
64. 2019.07.10 通傳基礎字第10863013160號公告
Tong-Chuan-Ji-Chu No.10863013160
65. 2019.04.03 廣播節目廣告區隔與置入性行銷及贊助管理辦法
Regulations for the Distinction between Radio Programs and Advertisements and Product Placement Marketing and Sponsorships
66. 2019.04.01 國家通訊傳播委員會所管特定非公務機關資通安全管理作業辦法
Regulations of Special Non-official Agencies' Cyber Security Management by National Communications Commission
67. 2019.03.05 電視節目分級處理辦法
Television Programs Classification Handling Regulations
68. 2019.01.30 通訊傳播類財團法人會計處理及財務報告編製準則
Standards Governing the Accounting and Preparation of Financial Reports of Communications Foundations
69. 2019.01.22 行動通信業務管理規則
Regulations for Administration of Mobile Communications Businesses
70. 2019.01.02 學術教育或專為網路研發實驗目的之電信網路設置使用管理辦法
Administrative Regulations for the Establishment and Operation of a Telecommunications Network for the Academic and Education Purposes or Dedicated Experiments and Research and Development Purposes
71. 2018.08.14 第三代行動通信增波器射頻設備型式認證技術規範
Third Generation Mobile Communications Repeater RF Equipment Type Approval Technical Specifications
72. 2018.08.14 第三代行動通信終端設備技術規範
The Third Generation Mobile Telecommunication Terminal EquipmentTechnical Specifications National Communications Commission
73. 2018.08.14 第三代行動通信基地臺射頻設備型式認證技術規範
Third Generation Mobile Communications Base Station RF Equipment Type Approval Technical Specifications
74. 2018.08.14 第三代行動通信基地臺射頻設備技術規範
Technical Specifications for Base Station Radio Frequency Equipment of Third Generation Mobile Telecommunication
75. 2018.07.27 專用電信設置使用及連接公共通信系統管理辦法
Administrative Regulations on the Establishment and Operation of Dedicated Telecommunications, and the Connection of Dedicated Telecommunications to Public Communication System
76. 2018.06.13 廣播電視法
Radio and Television Act
77. 2018.06.13 有線廣播電視法
Cable Radio and Television Act
78. 2018.06.05 電波監理業務管理辦法
Administrative Regulations on Radio Waves
79. 2018.05.17 衛星廣播電視事業及境外衛星廣播電視事業換照審查辦法
Examination Regulations for the License Renewal of Satellite Broadcasting and Foreign Satellite Broadcasting Businesses
80. 2018.05.17 衛星廣播電視事業及境外衛星廣播電視事業評鑑審查辦法
Regulations Governing the Assessment and Examination of Satellite Broadcasting Business and Foreign satellite broadcasting business
81. 2018.03.22 申請許可設立調頻廣播電臺審查費收費標準
Standards for the Approval Fee of Applications for the Establishment of an FM Radio Station
82. 2018.03.12 行動寬頻業務基地臺射頻設備技術規範
Technical Specifications for Base Station Radio Frequency Equipment of Mobile Broadband Business
83. 2018.03.12 行動寬頻業務寬頻終端設備技術規範
Technical Specifications for Broadband Terminal Equipment of Mobile Broadband Business
84. 2018.02.08 衛星廣播電視事業及境外衛星廣播電視事業申設審查辦法
Examination Regulations on the Establishment Application of Satellite Broadcasting Businesses and Foreign Satellite Broadcasting Businesses
85. 2018.02.08 衛星廣播電視事業境外衛星廣播電視事業及他類頻道節目供應事業申設評鑑換照諮詢會議審議規則
Regulations Governing the Advisory Committee Review of Applications for Establishment, Assessment, and License Renewal of Satellite Broadcasting Businesses, Foreign Satellite Broadcasting Businesses, and Other Type Channel and Program Supply Businesses
86. 2018.01.12 業餘無線電管理辦法
Administrative Regulations on Amateur Radios
87. 2018.01.12 業餘無線電機技術規範
Technical Specifications for Amateur Radio Equipment
88. 2018.01.10 低功率射頻電機技術規範
Low-power Radio-frequency Devices Technical Regulations
89. 2018.01.10 行動寬頻業務窄頻終端設備技術規範
Technical Specifications for Narrowband Terminal Equipment of Mobile Broadband Business
90. 2017.11.01 電信事業網路互連管理辦法
Regulations Governing Network Interconnection among Telecommunications Enterprises
91. 2017.10.13 固定通信業務管理規則
Regulations for Administration on Fixed Network Telecommunications Business
92. 2017.10.13 固定通信多媒體內容傳輸平臺機上盒技術規範
Technical Specifications for Set-Top Boxes for Multimedia Content Distribution Platform on a Fixed Telecommunications Network
93. 2017.07.26 廣播事業設立許可辦法
Regulations for the Establishment of Radio Broadcasting Enterprises
94. 2017.06.26 公設電視事業設立許可辦法
Regulations for the Establishment of Public Television Enterprises
95. 2017.06.07 電信管制射頻器材審驗辦法
Compliance Approval Regulations on Controlled Telecommunications Radio-Frequency Devices
96. 2017.06.07 電信終端設備驗證機構管理辦法
Administration Regulations of Regulatory Certification Body for Telecommunications Terminal Equipment
97. 2017.06.07 電信管制射頻器材驗證機構管理辦法
Administration Regulations of Regulatory Certification Body for Controlled Telecommunications Radio-Frequency Devices
98. 2017.06.07 低功率射頻電機規費收費標準
Standards for Low Power Radio-frequency Devices Statutory Fee
99. 2017.04.13 第二類電信事業管理規則
Regulations for Administration on Type II Telecommunications Business
100. 2017.04.10 通傳基礎字第10663005050號公告
Tong-Chuan-Ji-Chu No.10663005050
101. 2017.03.14 通傳資源字第10643004520號公告
Tong-Chuan-Zih-Yuan No.10643004520
102. 2017.03.14 電信管制射頻器材管理辦法
Administrative Regulations on the Controlled Telecommunications Radio-Frequency Devices
103. 2016.12.16 國家通訊傳播委員會執行廣播電視法第四十三條及第四十四條停播處分要點
Enforcement Directions for Suspension of Transmission by National Communications Commission in Accordance with Article 43 and 44 of the Radio and Television Act
104. 2016.12.16 國家通訊傳播委員會執行衛星廣播電視法第三十七條停播處分要點
Enforcement Directions for Suspension of Transmission by National Communications Commission in Accordance with Article 37 of the Satellite Broadcasting Act
105. 2016.12.14 國家通訊傳播委員會節目與廣告區分認定原則
The National Communications Commission Principles for Determining Whether Programs and Advertisements are Separated
106. 2016.12.14 國家通訊傳播委員會電視節目從事商業置入行銷暫行規範
The National Communications Commission Temporary Directions for Commercial Product Placement in Television Programs
107. 2016.12.14 國家通訊傳播委員會電視節目贊助暫行規範
The National Communications Commission Temporary Directions for the Sponsorship of Television Programs
108. 2016.12.08 有線廣播電視終端設備技術規範
Cable Radio and Television Terminal Equipment Technical Regulations
109. 2016.12.08 有線廣播電視終端設備規費收費標準
Standards for Cable Radio and Television Terminal Equipment Statutory Fee
110. 2016.12.08 有線廣播電視終端設備驗證機構管理辦法
Administration Regulations of Regulatory Certification Body for Cable Radio and Television Terminal Equipment
111. 2016.12.08 有線廣播電視終端設備審驗辦法
Compliance Approval Regulations of Cable Radio and Television Terminal Equipment
112. 2016.12.07 廣播電視廣告播送方式與數量分配辦法
Regulations for the Methods of Broadcasting Advertisements and the Distribution of the Number of Advertisements of Radio and Television Businesses.
113. 2016.11.21 衛星廣播電視事業負責人監督管理辦法
Regulations for the Administration of Responsible Persons of Satellite Broadcasting Businesses
114. 2016.11.11 廣播電視法施行細則
Enforcement Rules of the Radio and Television Act
115. 2016.11.11 國家通訊傳播委員會推動通訊傳播產業創新研究發展補助辦法
National Communications Commission Regulations for Subsidizing the Promotion of Innovation and Research of the Communications Industry
116. 2016.11.09 通訊傳播基本法
Fundamental Communications Act
117. 2016.11.03 衛星廣播電視節目起迄時間認定與廣告播送方式及數量分配辦法
Regulations on Duration of Programs and Distribution and Amount of Advertisements of Satellite Broadcasting Businesses
118. 2016.10.19 衛星廣播電視法施行細則
Enforcement Rules for the Satellite Broadcasting Act
119. 2016.10.07 衛星廣播電視事業及境外衛星廣播電視事業申設換照審查辦法
Examination Regulations on the Establishment Application and License Renewal of Satellite Broadcasting Businesses and Foreign Satellite Broadcasting Businesses
120. 2016.10.04 衛星廣播電視購物頻道插播式字幕管理辦法
Regulations on the Use of Captions in Shopping Channels of Satellite Broadcasting Businesses
121. 2016.09.02 國家通訊傳播委員會輔導及獎勵主管事業機構成立關係企業僱用身心障礙者辦法
Regulations on the Guidance and Incentives by the National Communications Commission to Affiliated Companies of Competent Business Entities for Hiring People with Disabilities
122. 2016.08.16 衛星廣播電視事業及境外衛星廣播電視事業評鑑作業要點
Directions for Operation Evaluation on Satellite Broadcasting businesses and Foreign Satellite Broadcasting Businesses
123. 2016.07.26 通傳資源字第10543013930號公告
Tong-Chuan-Zih-Yuan No.10543013930
124. 2016.07.19 工業科學醫療用電波輻射性電機管理辦法
Administrative Regulations on Radio Waves of Industrial, Scientific, Medical Equipment
125. 2016.07.14 衛星廣播電視事業及境外衛星廣播電視事業申設作業要點
Directions for Station Establishment Application of Satellite Broadcasting Businesses and Foreign Satellite Broadcasting Businesses
126. 2016.07.05 衛星廣播電視廣告製播標準
Standards for advertising production and broadcast of satellite radio and television
127. 2016.04.01 廣播電視節目中繼電臺設置使用管理辦法
Administrative Rules on Radio and Television Broadcasters' Establishment of Microwave Stations
128. 2016.03.23 平等接取服務管理辦法
Regulations Governing the Equal Access Service
129. 2016.01.30 有線廣播電視系統工程技術管理辦法
Rules for the Technical Engineering of Cable Radio and Television Systems
130. 2016.01.30 廣播電視事業負責人管理規則
Regulations Governing the Person in Charge of a Broadcasting Business
131. 2016.01.30 有線廣播電視系統經營者天然災害及緊急事故應變辦法
Operation Regulations in the Event of Natural Disasters and Emergency for Cable Radio and Television System
132. 2016.01.30 衛星廣播電視事業及境外衛星廣播電視事業業務規費收費標準
Processing Fee Criteria for Satellite Broadcasting Businesses and Foreign Satellite Broadcasting Businesses
133. 2015.08.05 建築物電信設備及空間設置使用管理規則(86.04.11 訂定)
Regulations Governing Building Telecommunication Equipment and Space Appliance Using
134. 2015.07.16 無線寬頻接取業務管理規則
Regulations for Administration of Wireless Broadband Access Business
135. 2014.10.15 有線廣播電視系統經營者收費標準
The Fee-Charging Standards for the Cable Radio And Television System Operators
136. 2014.06.04 號碼可攜服務管理辦法
Regulations Governing Number Portability
137. 2013.12.11 電信法
Telecommunications Act
138. 2013.11.04 公眾電信規費收費標準
Public Telecommunications Statutory Fee Charge Standards
139. 2013.10.07 衛星通信業務管理規則
Regulations for Administration on Satellite Communication Services
140. 2013.08.30 有線廣播電視法施行細則
Enforcement Rules of the Cable Radio and Television Act
141. 2013.08.02 電信工程業管理規則
Regulations for the Management of Telecommunications Engineering Enterprises
142. 2013.07.22 高級電信工程人員及電信工程人員資格取得與管理辦法
Regulations for Qualifying and Governing of Senior Telecommunications Engineer and Telecommunications Engineer
143. 2013.05.13 有線廣播電視系統工程查驗技術規範
Technical Specifications for the Examination of Cable Broadcasting and Television System
144. 2013.05.09 衛星廣播電視使用插播式字幕認定原則
Directions for the Satellite Broadcasting Businesses to use inserted characters in programs
145. 2013.02.07 第一類電信事業資費管理辦法
Administrative Regulation Governing Tariffs of Type I Telecommunications Enterprises
146. 2012.10.01 個人資料保護法之特定目的及個人資料之類別
The specific purpose and the classification of personal information of the Personal Information Protection Act
147. 2012.06.13 電腦網路內容分級處理辦法
Regulations for the Rating of Internet Content
148. 2012.05.31 電視增力機變頻機及社區共同天線電視設備設立辦法
The Television Booster, Frequency Converter, and Community Shared Antenna Television Equipment Setup Measures
149. 2012.05.09 GSM 900 及 DCS 1800 行動電話機技術規範
GSM900 and DCS1800 Mobile Equipment Technical Specifications
150. 2012.05.09 無線寬頻接取行動臺技術規範
Subscriber Station for Wireless Broadband Access Type Approval Technical Specification
151. 2012.02.24 第一類電信事業微波電臺設置使用管理辦法
Regulation for Administration of Installation of Microwave Radio Station of Type I Telecommunications Business
152. 2012.01.13 有線廣播電視事業發展基金收支保管及運用辦法
Regulations on the Management and Operation of the Cable Radio and Television Development Fund
153. 2011.12.30 有線電視節目播送系統管理辦法
Management Rules of Cable Television Transmission Systems
154. 2011.04.01 建築物電信設備審查及審驗機構管理辦法(92.09.29 訂定)
Regulations Governing Building Telecommunication Equipment Examination and Inspection Institution
155. 2010.10.29 建築物電信設備及其空間規費收費標準
Fee-charging Standards for inspecting telecommunication equipment and its space in the building
156. 2010.09.08 學校實習無線廣播電臺設置使用管理辦法
Administrative Regulations on the Establishment and Use of Wireless Broadcasting Station for School Training
157. 2010.05.13 國家通訊傳播委員會處理衛星廣播電視節目供應者申請變更營運計畫作業要點
Directions for National Communications Commission’s Conduction on Operation Plans Amendment Application of Satellite Broadcasting Services Suppliers
158. 2010.05.12 天然災害及緊急事故傳播事業時段徵用實施要點
Directions for Communications Businesses in the Event of a Natural Disaster or Emergency
159. 2010.04.16 國家通訊傳播委員會裁處違反有線廣播電視法案件裁量基準
160. 2010.04.16 國家通訊傳播委員會裁處違反廣播電視法及衛星廣播電視法案件裁量基準
161. 2010.03.15 廣播電視業者設置電臺規費收費標準
Fee Charge Standards for the Establishment of Radio and TV Stations
162. 2009.12.31 廣播電視業者設置地球電臺管理辦法
Administrative Rules on Radio and Television Broadcasters’ establishment of Earth Stations
163. 2009.06.11 公眾交換電話網路終端設備技術規範
Technical Specificaitons for Terminal Equipment for Connection to Public Switched Telephone Network
164. 2009.05.27 申請經營有線廣播電視服務規費收費標準
Fee-charging Standard for Application for Operation
165. 2009.05.05 有線廣播電視系統業者遭遇天然災害復建補助要點
Directions for Providing Financial Support to Cable Television System Operators Recovering from Natural Disasters
166. 2009.04.28 第二類電信事業許可費收費標準
Type II Telecommunications Enterprise Permit Fee Schedule
167. 2009.01.20 電信工程業證照費收費標準
Fee Charging Standards of Certificate of Telecommunications
168. 2009.01.15 超高速數位用戶迴路(VDSL)終端設備及分歧器(POTS Splitter)技術規範
Technical Standard for Very High Speed Digital Subscriber Line (VDSL) Terminal Equipments and POTS Splitters
169. 2008.11.20 第一類電信事業會計制度及會計處理準則
Accounting Standards and Regulations for the Type I Telecommunications Enterprises
170. 2008.07.30 非對稱數位用戶迴路(ADSL)終端設備及分歧器(POTS SPLITTER)技術規範
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line Terminal Equipment and POTS Splitter Technical Specifications
171. 2007.12.25 區域多點分散式服務微波電臺射頻設備技術規範
Local Multipoint Distribution Service(LMDS) Microwave Base Station RF Equipment Type Approval Technical Specifications
172. 2007.09.05 無線寬頻接取基地臺射頻設備技術規範
Base Station for Wireless Broadband Access Type Approval Technical Specification
173. 2007.07.23 電信管制射頻器材經營許可及進口許可規費收費標準
Standards for CTRFD Operation and Import permit Statutory Fee
174. 2007.07.20 第一類電信事業點對點微波電臺射頻設備型式認證技術規範
Type I Telecommunications Business Point to Point Microwave Base Station RF Equipment Type Approval Technical Specifications
175. 2007.07.20 中繼式無線電話機技術規範
Trunked Radio Terminal Equipment Technical Specifications
176. 2007.07.20 行動數據終端設備技術規範
Mobile Data Radio Terminal Equipment Technical Specifications
177. 2007.07.20 無線電叫人系統終端設備技術規範
Paging Receiver Radio Terminal Equipment Technical Specifications
178. 2007.07.20 1880-1895 兆赫無線專用交換機系統暨終端設備技術規範
1880-1895MHz Wireless Private Branch Exchange and Radio Terminal Equipment Technical Specifications
179. 2007.07.20 2.4GHZ射頻電信終端設備技術規範
2.4GHz Radio-frequency Telecommunications terminal equipment technical specification
180. 2007.07.20 DSI 終端設備技術規範
DS1 Terminal Equipment Technical Specifications
181. 2007.07.20 ISDN 用戶終端設備技術規範
ISDN Terminal Equipment Technical Specifications
182. 2007.07.20 1.6/2.4GHz 衛星通信行動地球電臺(MESs)技術規範及型式認證作業要點
1.6/2.4 GHz Satellite Personal Communications Networks (S-PCN) Mobile Earth Stations (MESs) Technical Specifications
183. 2007.07.20 衛星小型地球電臺型式認證程序及審驗作業要點
Satellite Small Earth Base Station Type Approval Procedures and Inspection Guidelines
184. 2007.07.19 低功率電波輻射性電機管理辦法
Administrative Regulations on Low Power Radio Waves Radiated Devices
185. 2007.07.13 學術試驗無線電臺管理辦法
Administrative Regulations for Academic Experimental Radio Stations
186. 2007.07.13 民用航空器無線電臺管理辦法
Administrative Regulations on the Civil Aircraft Radio Stations
187. 2007.07.13 專用電信業務規費收費標準
Dedicated Telecommunications Statutory Fee Charge Schedule
188. 2007.04.26 電信終端設備規費收費標準
Standards for Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Statutory Fee
189. 2007.03.02 電信事業普及服務基金管理委員會設置要點
Essentials of Establishment on Universal Service Fund Administration Commission
190. 2005.10.04 業餘無線電臺審驗作業要點
Inspecting Directions for Amateur Radio Stations
191. 2004.05.05 申請經營數位廣播業務規費收費標準
Standards for the Regulation Fee of Applications for the Operation of a Digital Broadcasting Business
192. 2003.12.08 電信線路遷移費用及電信設備損壞賠償負擔辦法
Regulations on Relocation Fee of Telecommunications Lines and Bearing Damage Compensation for Telecommunications Equipment
193. 2003.11.13 用戶自備 CT-2 無線專用交換機系統設備技術規範
CT-2 Wireless Private Branch Exchange System Equipment Technical Specifications
194. 2003.08.05 業餘無線電機型式認證要點
Amateur Radio Type Approval Guidelines
195. 2003.04.16 學術、教育或實驗研發電信網路無線電臺審驗作業要點
Inspection Directions on Radio Station for Academic and Educational, or Experimental, Research and Development Telecommunication Network
196. 2003.04.07 專用無線電臺審驗作業要點
Inspection Directions for Dedicated Radio Station
197. 2003.03.06 固定通信綜合網路業務經營者經營有線廣播電視業務工程查驗技術規範
The Operation of Cable Radio and TV Services for IntegratedFixed-Network Operators
198. 2001.02.22 1900MHz 數位式低功率無線電話基地臺射頻設備技術規範
1900 MHz Digital Low Tier Cordless Telephony System Base Station RF Equipment (PHS System) Type Approval Technical Specifications
199. 2001.02.22 一九○○兆赫數位式低功率無線電基地臺射頻設備(PACS 系統)型式認證技術規範
1900 MHz Digital Low Tier Cordless Telephony System Base Station RF Equipment (PACS System) Type Approval Technical Specifications
200. 1999.09.15 有線廣播電視廣告製播標準
The Production and Transmission Standards for Cable Radio and Television Advertisements
201. 1998.11.23 電信設備檢測實驗室認證機構評核認可作業要點
The Assessment and Approval Guidelines for Telecommunications Equipment Testing Laboratory Accreditation Bodies
202. 1998.11.23 電信設備檢測實驗室認證機構評核手冊
Assessment Manual for Telecommunications Equipment Testing Laboratory Accreditation Bodies