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法規名稱(Title) Regulations Governing Network Interconnection among Telecommunications Enterprises Ch
修正日期(Amended Date) 2017.11.01

  Chapter 2 Network Interconnection between Type I Telecommunications Enterprises

   Section One – Principles of Network Interconnection

Article 4
Among Type I telecommunication enterprises, when one enterprise demands network interconnection with another enterprise, the other party is not allowed to refuse.
The preceding paragraph shall not apply if the National Communications Commission (hereinafter refer to as “the NCC”) approves, and either of the following circumstances exits:
1. Such interconnection is not technically feasible; or
2. Such interconnection may likely affect the security of telecommunications equipments.
Article 5
The network interconnection among Type I telecommunications enterprises shall be economically, technically and administratively efficient.
Article 6
Type I telecommunications enterprises provide themselves, their affiliates or other telecommunications enterprises with network interconnection service, and the price, quality and other interconnection conditions shall meet the principle of being just, reasonable and non-discriminatory.
The information obtained by Type I telecommunications enterprises during negotiation on network interconnection or during implementation of the network interconnection agreement can but be used for services related to network interconnection, and proper secrecy measures shall be taken to ensure that the information keeps from using by other affiliates or third parties. While if there is other agreement between telecommunications enterprises that does not act against these Regulations, the agreement shall prevailed.