Chapter VII. Supplementary Provisions
Article 50
The Enforcement Rules of this Act and the Regulations Governing the Responsible Persons of Radio and Television Businesses shall be prescribed by the regulatory agency.
Article 50-1
The regulatory agency shall charge permit fees, review fees, and license fees for handling applications for permits, review of application, or issuance, renewal, or replacement of license. The said fee standard shall be prescribed by the regulatory agency.
Article 50-2
Where disposition made by thecompetent authority pursuant to this Act are objected or challenged, the procedures for administrative litigation shall apply directly. where disposition or decisions made by the (central) competent authority pursuant to other Acts are objected or challenged,the same rule shall apply.
Where administrative appeal cases are not concluded prior to the enactment of the amendment of this Act, they shall be concluded in accordance with the Administrative Appeal Act.
Article 51
This Act shall become effective on the day of its promulgation.