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法規名稱(Title) Regulations Governing Application and Assignment of Radio Frequency for Telecommunications Enterprises Ch
公發布日期(Announced Date) 2020.06.23

  Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1
These Regulations have been formulated in accordance with stipulations set forth under Paragraph 3 of Article 53 of the Telecommunications Management Act (hereinafter referred to as the Act).
Article 2
The terms of these Regulations are defined as follows:
1. Telecommunications enterprise: a business entity registered under the Act for the provision of telecommunications service;
2. Applicant: a telecommunications enterprise applying for the use of radio frequency under the Regulations;
3. User: a telecommunications enterprise that has granted the assignment of radio frequency according to Article 54, 55 or 59 of the Act
Article 3
A telecommunications enterprise shall submit an application for the assignment of radio frequency to the competent authority according to the method of assignment specified in the Regulations.
For the establishment of a microwave station or satellite earth station proposed by the aforementioned telecommunications enterprise, the application for the assignment of radio frequency and management of the establishment and use of the station in question are governed by the Administrative Regulations on the Establishment and Operation of Microwave Radio Stations or Administrative Regulations on the Establishment and Operation of Satellite Earth Stations, respectively.