1. These Directions are enacted in accordance with Article 52 of the Administrative Regulations On Amateur Radios.
2. The Directions shall be applicable to fixed amateur radio stations and amateur radio phone stations.
3. Inspecting Items and Standards for Fixed Amateur Radio Stations: As set out in the fixed amateur radio stations inspecting record list (please see Attachment 1).
(a) Certification of type approval for amateur radio device: The manufacturer or individual shall apply for certification of type approval for amateur radio device model. The application shall be reviewed and approved in accordance with the Amateur Radio Type Approval Directions prior to granting certification. Approved applicant(s) shall affix duplicates of such certification labels or permanently print such labels in a conspicuous manner on the certified amateur radio equipment.
(b) Proof of Source: Invoices issued by domestic manufacturers or sellers, or import permits or customs clearance certificates for controlled frequency emitting device.
(c) The structure of the antenna shall be kept a safety distance for high voltage wire structure; where the antenna is established more than sixty(60) meters high from the ground, it shall be equipped with colored aviation marks and identification lights to avoid endangering public safety.
(d) Frequency bands of emission: The frequency bands of emission shall not exceed the limits defined in the Amateur Radio Technical specification Directions or in the standards for Region 3 as governed by IARU(International Amateur Radio Union).
(e) Emission Power: The emission power shall not exceed the limits set out in the Amateur Radio Technical Specification Directions.
(f) Spurious Emission: The average power of spurious emission shall not exceed the limits set out in the Amateur Radio Technical Specification Directions.
4. Review Items and Standards for Amateur Radio Phone Stations: As set out in the amateur radio phone stations inspecting recordation list (please see Attachment 2).
(a) Certification of type approval for Amateur Radio Equipment: The manufacturer or individual shall apply for certification of type approval for amateur radio equipment model. The application shall be inspected and approved in accordance with the Amateur Radio Type Approval Directions prior to granting certification. Approved applicant(s) shall affix duplicates of such certification labels or permanently print such labels in a conspicuous manner on the certified amateur radio equipment.
(b) Proof of Source: Invoices issued by domestic manufacturers or sellers, or import permits or customs clearance certificates for controlled frequency emitting equipment.
(c) Frequency bands of emission: The frequency bands of emission shall not exceed the limits defined in the Amateur Radio Technical specification Directions or in the standards for Region 3 as governed by IARU
(International Amateur Radio Union).
(d) Emission Power: The average power shall not exceed the limits set out in the Amateur Radio Technical Specification Directions.
5. Methods of Inspection:
(a) On-Site Inspection: Fixed amateur radio equipment inspections shall be conducted on-site (at the location stated in the station establishment application forms).
(b) Off-Site Inspection: Inspection of mobile amateur radio phone station may be conducted off-site and the equipment may be transported to the nearest telecom regulatory station for inspection.
6. Issues to be Noted for Inspection:
(a) For purposes of understanding the scope of work, precision, currency, and related specifications, the instructions contained in the manual with respect to the specification, restriction and procedures for use of equipment shall be carefully comprehended prior to the actual use of the equipment.
(b) When using batteries or rechargeable batteries, the usability of batteries shall be examined prior to inspection, and such batteries shall be replaced or recharged if necessary.
(c) The equipment’s conditions shall be checked prior to inspections, and the meter shall be checked to see if any adjustment is necessary.
(d) If the on-site inspection for frequency measure in the induction manner, the operator using the attenuator shall gradually adjust from highest level to the frequency, which can be measured. To prevent from signal overload to damage instrument, directly connection test will be better, the applicable distance between the frequency counter and the emission antenna shall be remained.
(e) When removing equipment, trembling and collisions shall be prevented to avoid damaging meter.
(f) When using AC power supplies, prior confirmation should be made regarding whether AC110V or AC220V should be used.
(g) Whether the matching of impedance, the connection of transmitter loading, and the 50 ohm conducting wire for inspection shall be inspected before testing start,
(h) When using RF Directional Wattmeter, the emission frequencies and wattage shall be noted and the use of PLUG-IN Element shall accommodate such frequencies and wattage.
7. The station shall be issued inspecting passing tag only after passing the inspection. The applicant shall attatcch it on the observe side of the station.
8. The inspecting passing tag in the preceding article shall specify the following:date, inspector and etc.
9. The procedures for inpecting the amateur radio stations shall be in accordance with Attachments 3(1) and 3(2).