
法規沿革 Legislative History

法規名稱(Title) Administrative Regulations on the Establishment of Radio and TV Broadcast Station Ch
廢止日期(Abolished Date) 2020.11.24
1.The full text of 38 articles was promulgated in accordance with the Order Chiao Yu (65) Tzu No. 05539 issued by the MOTC dated June 25, 1976.
2.Articles modified in accordance with the Order Chiao Yu Fa Tzu No. 08616 issued by the MOTC and the Order No. (86) Chi Kuang I Tzu No. 04045 issued by Government Information Office, Executive Yuan dated Apr. 19, 1997.
3.The full text of 37 articles was promulgated in accordance with the Order Chiao Yu Fa Tzu No. 8895 issued by the MOTC dated Sep. 30, 1999.
4.Articles modified in accordance with the Order Chiao Yu Fa Tzu No. 8947 issued by the MOTC dated Aug. 16. 2000.
5.The full text of 36 articles, and Attachment 1, 2, 2-1, 2-2, 3, 4-1, 4-2, 5, 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4, 7, 8-1, 8-2, 9, and 10 were promulgated and modified in accordance with the Order Chiao Yu Fa Tzu No. 091B000168 issued by the MOTC dated Dec. 30, 2002.
6.Articles 5, 12, 25-28 were modified and promulgated in accordance with the Order Chiao Yu Fa Tzu No. 093B000062 issued by MOTC on Sep. 9, 2004.
7.The full text of 36 articles were promulgated and modified in accordance with the Order Tung-Chuan-Ji-Zih No. 09605041820 issued by National Communications Commission on May 7th, 2007.
8.Articles 27 were promulgated and modified in accordance with the Order Tung-Chuan-Ji-Zih No. 09843018940 issued by National Communications Commission on July 27th, 2009.
9.Articles 8, 12, 27 , 29 were promulgated and modified in accordance with the Order Tung-Chuan-Ji-Zih No. 10143043450 issued by National Communications Commission on Dec. 5, 2012.
10.Articles 10, 26, 27 were promulgated and modified in accordance with the Order Tung-chuan-Ji-Chu No. 10563006590 issued by National Communications Commission on April 8, 2016.
11.The amendment of Article 2, 5, 8, 12, 25, 26, 27, 30, 31 and the deletion of Article 11, 29 on Aug 18, 2017. Ref: Tung-chuan-Ji-Chu No. 10663019090
12.It was abolished by NCC on November 24, 2020, Ref. Order Tung-Chuan-Chi-Chu Tze No. 10963028220