
法規沿革 Legislative History

法規名稱(Title) Regulations for Administration on Type II Telecommunications Business Ch
修正日期(Amended Date) 2017.04.13
1. 21 Articles were hereby promulgated by the MOTC’s order on the date of Feb. 18, 1997, Ref. Chiao-Yu-fai-Tze No. 8614.
2. The amendment of 32 Articles was hereby promulgated by the MOTC's Order on the date of May 26, 1998, Ref. Chiao-Yu-fai-Tze No. 8719.
3. The amendment of Article 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 25, 28, 30 and 31 was hereby promulgated by the MOTC's Order on the date of Nov. 17, 2000, Ref. Chiao-Yu-fai-Tze No. 8972.
4. The amendment of 36 Articles was hereby promulgated by the MOTC's Order on the date of Jun. 28, 2001, Ref. Chiao-Yu-fai-Tze No. 00040.
5. The amendment of Article 6, 7, 8, 16 and 27 was hereby promulgated by the MOTC's Order on the date of Jun. 25, 2003, Ref. Chiao-Yu-fai-Tze No. 092B000059.
6. The amendment of Article 2, 4, 13, 15, 16, 27, 28 and the addition of Article 16-1, 27-1 were hereby promulgated by the MOTC's Order on the date of Aug. 13, 2003, Ref. Chiao-Yu-fai-Tze No. 092B000073.
7. The amendment of Article 28 and the deletion of Article 29 were hereby promulgated by the MOTC's Order on the date of Dec. 3, 2003, Ref. Chiao-Yu-fai-Tze No. 092B000106.
8. The amendment of Article 12-1, 12-2, 20 was hereby promulgated by the MOTC's Order on the date of Nov. 10, 2004, Ref. Chiao-Yu-fai-Tze No. 093B000078.
9. The amendment of Article 2, 4, 7, 8, 11, 13, 15, 27, 27-1, 28, 34 and the addition of Article 16-2, 28-1 were hereby promulgated by the MOTC's Order on the date of Nov. 15, 2005, Ref. Chiao-Yu- Tze No. 09400850511.
10. The amendment of 36 Articles was hereby promulgated by the NCC on Jul. 20, 2007, Ref. Order Tong-Chuan-Fa No. 09605104361.
11. The amendment of Article 2, 11, 12, 15, 16, 16-1, 16-2, 17, 17-1, 20, 27, 28-1, 34 and the addition of Article 17-1 were hereby promulgated by the NCC on Mar. 6, 2009, Ref. Order Tong-Chuan-Ying No. 09841010140.
12. The amendment of Article 7, 8, 27, 28-1 was hereby promulgated by the NCC on Nov. 5, 2010, Ref. Order Tong-Chuan-Ying No. 09941070220.
13. The amendment of Article 16-1 was hereby promulgated by the NCC on Jan. 28, 2013, Ref. Order Tong-Chuan-Tong-Syun No. 10241001320.
14. The amendment of Article 7, 8, 31 and the addition of Article 15-1, 31-1 ~ 31-3 and the name of Chapter 4-1 were hereby promulgated by the NCC on Aug. 22, 2014, Ref. Order Tung-Chuan-Zi-Ji No. 10343031230.
15. The amendment of Article 27 was hereby promulgated by the NCC on Dec. 9, 2015, Ref. Order Tong-Chuan-Ping-Tai No. 10441054470.
16. The amendment of Article 2,16-1 was hereby promulgated by the NCC on Apr. 13, 2017, Ref. Order Tong-Chuan-Ping-Tai No. 10641010920.