
法規沿革 Legislative History

法規名稱(Title) Enforcement Rules for the Satellite Broadcasting Act Ch
修正日期(Amended Date) 2016.10.19
1. 16 Articles promulgated in full by the Government Information Office on June 10, 1999. Ref: (88)-Chien-Guang-(1) Tze No.09241
2. The annulment of Article 3 promulgated by the Government Information office on Oct. 29, 2003. Ref: Hsin-Guang-I No.0920624154
3. Addition of Articles 6-1 through 6-3 promulgated by decree of the Government Information Office in Document Sin Guang I 0930622947A on May 24, 2004
4. Promulgated by on October 19 of 2016 according to Letter Tong-Chuan-Nei-Rong No.10548029470 by National Communications Commission