法規沿革 Legislative History
1. 24 Articles promulgated in full by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications(MOTC) on Aug. 24, 1999. Ref:Jiao-Yu- Fa Tze No. 8881
2. 27 Articles amended and promulgated in full by MOTC on July. 17, 2002. Ref:Jiao-Yu- Fa Tze No.091B000068
3. 27 Articles amended and promulgated in full by National Communications Commission(NCC) on July 23, 2007. Ref: Tung-Chuan-Fa Tze No.09605106271
4. The amendments of Articles 6 and 9 were promulgated by National Communications Commission(NCC) on Dec 31, 2009. Ref: Tung-Chuan-Chi Tze No. 09843032850
5. The amendment of Article 1, 16 was promulgated on Jan. 30 in 2016 in Tong-chuan-Ji-Chu, No. 10563002210 document issued by the National Communications Commission.
6. The amendment of Article 5 was promulgated on July 1 in 2022 in Tong-chuan-Ji-Chu, No. 11163012000 document issued by the National Communications Commission.