
法規沿革 Legislative History

法規名稱(Title) Administrative Rules on the Establishment of Earth Stations by Satellite Broadcasters Ch
修正日期(Amended Date) 2022.07.01
1. 24 Articles promulgated in full by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications(MOTC) on Aug. 24, 1999. Ref:Jiao-Yu- Fa Tze No. 8881
2. 27 Articles amended and promulgated in full by MOTC on July. 17, 2002. Ref:Jiao-Yu- Fa Tze No.091B000068
3. 27 Articles amended and promulgated in full by National Communications Commission(NCC) on July 23, 2007. Ref: Tung-Chuan-Fa Tze No.09605106271
4. The amendments of Articles 6 and 9 were promulgated by National Communications Commission(NCC) on Dec 31, 2009. Ref: Tung-Chuan-Chi Tze No. 09843032850
5. The amendment of Article 1, 16 was promulgated on Jan. 30 in 2016 in Tong-chuan-Ji-Chu, No. 10563002210 document issued by the National Communications Commission.
6. The amendment of Article 5 was promulgated on July 1 in 2022 in Tong-chuan-Ji-Chu, No. 11163012000 document issued by the National Communications Commission.