
法規沿革 Legislative History

法規名稱(Title) Administration Regulations of Regulatory Certification Body for Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Ch
修正日期(Amended Date) 2017.06.07
1. 16 Articles adopted and promulgated in full by Directorate General of Telecommunications, Ministry of Transportation and Communications on November 17, 2003. Ref.: Order Dian-Xin-Gong-Zi No. 09205098750.
2. 16 Articles amended and promulgated on July 19, 2007. Ref.: Order Tong-Chuan-Fa-Zi No. 09605100651.
3. 16 Articles amended and promulgated on June 7, 2017 by National Communications Commission. Ref.: Tong-Chuan-Zi-Yuan-Zi No. 10643012050.