
法規沿革 Legislative History

法規名稱(Title) Type II Telecommunications Enterprise Permit Fee Schedule Ch
修正日期(Amended Date) 2009.04.28
1.The amendment of 12 Articles were hereby promulgated by the MOTC's Order on the date of Dec. 27, 2005, and come into force on January 1, 2006. Ref. Chiao-Yu-Tze No. 09400850561
2.The amendment of Article 11 was hereby promulgated by the NCC on Jul. 5, 2007, Ref. Order Tong-Chuan-Fa No. 09605096211.
3.The amendment of Article 11 was hereby promulgated by the NCC on May 28, 2008, Ref. Order Tong-Chuan-Ying No. 09741033030.
4.Article 10-1 was hereby promulgated by the NCC on Apr. 28, 2009, Ref. Order Tong-Chuan-Ying No. 09841026230.