Print Date:113/07/16 20:00

  Chapter I General provisions

Article 1
The administrative regulations have been promulgated in accordance with stipulations set forth under paragraph 6, Article 14 of the Telecommunications Act.
Article 2
The terminologies the rules adopt are defined as follows:
1. Satellite system: Referring to a system consisting of one or several satellites and equipment for controlling such satellite(s).
2. Earth station: referring to telecommunications equipment for receiving wireless radio signal reception, processing and transmission between earth and the satellite system.
3. Fixed earth station: Referring to an earth station that needs to be installed at a fixed location on the earth’s surface in order to carry out the communications.
4. Mobile earth station: Referring to a mobile earth station containing satellite mobile terminal equipment or one that is not installed at a fixed location to carry out mobile communications.
5. Transmission equipment: referring to the telecommunications equipment connecting a fixed earth station of the satellite communication network and other telecommunications networks.
6. Satellite communications network: Referring to a communications network made up of a satellite system and earth stations.
7. Satellite communications services: Referring to the service, an operator offers in wireless radio communications service utilizing a satellite telecommunications network.
8. Satellite organizations: Referring to a local or foreign satellite institutes or organizations that operates or will be operated in space and has been cataloged by the International Telecommunications Union.
9. Operator: Referring to operators who have been sanctioned by competent government authorities and are issued with a license to operate in the satellite communications service.
10. User: Referring to subscribers who have registered with an operator to use the satellite communications service.
11. Very Small Aperture Terminal: Referring to fixed earth station that its diameter of an antenna is below three meters.
Article 3
The competent authority of this Regulation is of the National Communications Commission.
Article 4
Satellite operations consist of the following two types:
1. Fixed satellite communications services.
2. Mobile satellite communications services.
The fixed satellite communications service operator who install the fixed earth station engage in international and national satellite Very Small Aperture Terminal leased-circuit business, satellite program relay business and other satellite leased-circuit business.
The mobile satellite communications service operator who install the earth station engage in international and national mobile satellite phone services, message satellite services, or mobile satellite paging services.
Article 5
A foreign mobile satellite communication operator may choose one of the following means to render the mobile satellite communications service in Taiwan, the Republic of China:
I. The operator is to apply for the concession operation per stipulated under Article 8.
II. An operator may enter into a collaboration contract with an ROC satellite communication business, or a fixed communication service operator offering Internet service, and have the ROC satellite communication business, or the fixed communication service operator offering Internet service represent it in Taiwan to promote its satellite mobile communication service.
A satellite communication service or a fixed communication service operator offering Internet service, seeking to represent (hereinafter referred to as the ROC representative) a foreign mobile satellite communication operator in promoting its satellite mobile communication service in the ROC, shall submit the application (Appendage XI), collaboration contract, business plan and other documents the competent government authorities specify to declare for the competent government authorities’ approval (the operating process is as depicted in Appendage XII).
The foresaid business plan shall state the following matters:
I. Operating items.
II. Operating area.
III. Communication mode.
IV. Description for the foreign mobile satellite communication operator’s telecommunication equipment status:
(I) System hierarchy, working theory (including the satellite system characteristic description) and the foreign satellite ground station and relay equipment.
(II) The satellite electric transmission’s power distribution covering the region of the Republic of China.
(III) Working frequency segment, frequency bandwidth, tuning method, aerial interfacing guideline and satellite ground station’s characteristic description.
(IV) System service quality.
V. Billing standard, calculation method, and the applicant’s account settlement method with the foreign mobile satellite communication operator.
VI. Scheduled starring operating date and how the business is to be promoted.
The collaboration contract, specified in Paragraph 2, shall state the following matters:
I. The contract’s validation period.
II. The foreign mobile satellite communication operator is to commit to abiding by stipulations concerning communication surveillance bound by Article 52.
III. The ROC representative operator shall assume the obligations to be shouldered by the foreign party per the preceding stipulations.
IV. The collaborating parties’ entitlement and obligation relation for promoting the business in the Republic of China (including relevant measures for safeguarding the consumer’s equity).
An applicant who is allowed to retroactively correct the incomplete documents to be submitted as specified in Paragraph 2, the competent government authorities shall notify the applicant to retroactively correct the documents within a prescribed deadline, and when failing to submit retroactive correction or submitting incomplete correction exceeding the deadline, the application is to be denied.
The competent government authorities is to approve, per Paragraph 2, the representation operating period based on the validation period stated in the collaboration contract; in a month’s period six months before the contract expiry, the ROC representative operator may submit the business profile, collaboration contract and other documents the competent government authorities specify to apply with the competent government authorities for an approval to continue running the representation business.
Without obtaining the competent government authorities’ approval, the ROC representative operator may not represent a foreign satellite communication operator to promote its business in the Republic of China.
The administrative regulatory fees, i.e. the concession fee, frequency utilization fee and the like, and other legally designated obligations required of the operators are to be shouldered by the ROC representative operator.
When the ROC representative operator is given a ruling for abolishing the satellite communication service or the Internet service concession license, the competent government authorities shall abolish the approval granted to the operator for running the representation of the foreign mobile satellite communication service.
The ROC representative operator’s business management matters may commensurate to stipulations set forth under Article 46 through Article 54.
The operator who has been sanctioned by the competent government authorities – the Ministry of Transportation and Communications to represent a foreign mobile satellite communication operator for promoting its business in the Republic of China before the rules are formulated and announced, shall submit the business profile, and other documents the competent government authorities specify within a six-month period following the rules have been amended and implemented by April 18, 2012 to declare with the competent government authorities for an approval to continue running the representation business, with the representation period set to three years; when planning to continue the representation at expiry, the ROC representative operator shall submit the business profile and other documents the competent government authorities specify in a month’s period six months before the representation period expires to apply with the competent government authorities for an approval to continue running the representation business.
The foresaid ROC representative operator running the representation business shall catalog and verify the applicant’s identity and utilization purpose, and the acceptance of application purposes principally shall be for aviation and maritime enterprises; for inland utilization within the jurisdiction of the Republic of China, it shall be limited to the following circumstances:
I. For utilization by government agencies (institutions) for national security, disaster prevention/rescue, and urgent operational communication.
II. For utilization by private groups or organizations, such as incorporated entities, social organizations of incorporated entities and nonprofit incorporated entities and the like, for emergency rescue purposes.
III. For utilization by foreign incorporated entities for emergency communication.
The stipulations set forth under Paragraph 7 to Paragraph 9 shall also apply to the ROC representative operators approved per Paragraph 11.
The business management matters governing ROC representative operators approved by the commission per Paragraph 11, except Paragraph 1, Article 52 involving the content supply and that stipulated under Paragraph 2, may commensurate to stipulations set forth under Article 46 through Article 54.
Article 6
An operator running the satellite communications service is to be sanctioned by competent government authorities and be issued with a license before the operator may begin to offer the service.
The competent government authorities re to routinely accept the application, and the starting date is to be announced by competent governing authorities depending on the actual circumstances.
The competent government authorities, in deregulating the satellite communications operation, may install a review council (hereinafter referred to as the council) charged with reviewing the concession application cases; stipulations governing the review council’s installation and review operations are to be announced by competent government authorities.
Article 7
To enhance the citizens’ basic communications rights in providing telecommunications service to remote areas to achieve the objective of offering telecommunications prevalence, the operators are required to remit the telecommunications enterprise prevalence fund as regulated.
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations