Print Date:113/07/16 19:35

  Chapter 1 General Provision

Article 1
The regulations hereunder are promulgated pursuant to Paragraph 2, Article 49 of the Telecommunications Act (hereinafter as “Act”)
Article 2
These regulations govern the manufacture, import, installation, possession, selling, and public display of controlled telecommunication radio-frequency devices (hereinafter as “CTRFD”); Matters not provided herein shall be subject to the provisions of other applicable laws.
Article 3
Controlled telecommunications devices refer to those authorized radio frequency devices specified in Section 4, Article 49 of the Act.
CTRFDs shall fall into one of two categories:
1. CTRFDs that require a station license: promulgated pursuant to Article 46, Article 47, and Paragraph 6, Article 14 of the Act, among which a station licenses must be obtained prior to the use of CTRFDs.
2. CTRFDs that do not require a station license: those other than the CTRFDs specified in the previous subparagraph.
The competent authority shall supervise CTRFDs in accordance with the degree of influence on the order of radio waves and shall conduct regular reviews. However, such restriction shall be lifted for those that, through testing and analysis, demonstrate no radio wave interference.
Article 4
The competent authority of regulations hereunder shall be National Communications Commission (hereinafter as “NCC”).
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations