Print Date:113/07/16 19:21


  Chapter 1 General Principles

Article 1
This set of regulations is set forth in accordance with Article 20, Paragraph 4 of the Telecommunications Act.
Article 2
The terms adopted in this set of regulations are defined as follows:
I. Telecommunications Universal Service(hereafter "universal service" or "US"): Indispensable telecommunications services with a reasonable level of quality provided fairly and at reasonable rates for all citizens.
II. Voice-based Telecommunications Universal Service: Voice-based telecommunications services between the outgoing end and the incoming end provided over the public telecommunications network.
III. Telecommunications Universal Service on Data Transmission: Service of the provision of access to the Internet Service over wired or wireless Broadband Telecommunications Network.
IV. Universal Service Provider: Type 1 telecommunications enterprises providing one or more category of universal service.
V. Participating Universal Service Carriers: telecommunications enterprises designated as being required to contribute towards sharing the losses incurred in the provision of universal service and its necessary administrative costs.
VI. Necessary Administration Cost: examination cost, transportation cost, attendance cost, requested investigation cost and other necessary administration costs.
VII. Net Universal Service Costs: the net losses incurred by universal service providers in the provision of universal service.
VIII. Avoidable Costs: costs that universal service providers may avoid or save by not providing universal service.
IX. Revenue forgone: losses in revenue by universal service providers as a result of not providing universal service.
X. Uneconomic Public Payphone: Public payphone(hereafter "payphone")that has been approved by the competent authority(NCC)where under normal business conditions or without any subsidy, the avoidable costs that a universal service provider may incur for the provision of a single payphone service exceeds its revenue forgone.
XI. Uneconomic Area: The service area of a single local exchange office(hereafter "local exchange area")or mobile broadband transmission station that has been approved by the competent authority(NCC)where the avoidable costs incurred by a universal service provider for the provision of telephone service in a remote area exceeds its revenue forgone.
XII. Remote Area: Townships,(Towns, Cities and District)with a population density no more than one-fifth of the average national population density, or outlying area at least 7.5 km away from the location of the cabinet-level municipality, county or city government.
XIII. Incumbent Operator: fixed telecommunications network operators in legal operation prior to the promulgation of the Regulations Governing Fixed Telecommunications Network Procedure on May 18, 1999.
The service area of a universal service provider's local exchange office shall be considered as a remote area by the competent authority(NCC)in accordance with the following conditions and conditions of transportation, power supply, telecommunication infrastructure, household socio-economic or other factors:
I. Service areas adjacent to remote areas.
II. Townships,(Towns, Cities and District)with a population density of between one-fifth and one-quarter of the average national population density.
Article 3
The competent authority for Telecommunications Universal Service is the National Communications Commission(or hereafter "NCC")
Article 4
Universal service includes Voice-based Telecommunications Universal Service and Data Transmission Telecommunications Service.
In addition to the fixed network telecommunications operators, local internet service providers or local/domestic long-distance land cable leased-circuit operators, universal service may be provided by a mobile broadband operator through the base station in any of the following circumstances:
I. It is limited to a specific village designated by the competent authority in accordance with the second item of Article 13.
II. Due to the features of the topography, it is impractical to deploy fixed communication data access networks.
III. The village in which the base station is located has not been included in the calculation of the radio frequency usage fee discount condition and approved by the competent authority.
IV. Residents and real estate owners with broadband demand sites have agreed to build base stations.
V. The relay transmission circuit is sufficient for the bandwidth requirement of the mobile broadband high-speed base station.
VI. The relay transmission circuit is sufficient for the bandwidth requirement of the mobile broadband high-speed base station.
VII. The municipal, county(city)government or township(Towns, Cities and District)public office agrees to assist the base station to set up use.
The net universal service costs and the necessary administration costs of universal service shall be shared among contributing parties in accordance with this set of Regulations. Universal service contributing parties shall include Type 1 telecommunications service and the Type 2 telecommunications service designated by the competent authority(NCC).
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations