Print Date:113/07/16 19:28

  Chapter 1 General Principles

Article 1
These Regulations are enacted in accordance with Paragraph 3, Article 46 and Paragraph 3, Article 47 of the Telecommunications Act.
Article 2
The administration of ship radio station shall be prescribed in accordance with these Regulations. The matters not provided herein shall be prescribed in accordance with other laws and regulations or refer to the telecommunication-related provisions of International Radio Regulations and regulations of International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea(hereinafter referred to as “SOLAS”).
Article 3
The competent authority for these Regulations shall be the National Communications Commission (hereinafter referred to as “NCC”).
Article 4
“Ship radio station” means the transmitting or receiving radio equipment and automatic distress alert equipment installed on board for communication use.
The captain of the ship is in charge of the ship radio station.
Article 5
The ship radio stations are classified into the following:
1. Ship radio station for Global Maritime Distress and Safety System.
2. Ship radio station for Non-Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (hereinafter referred to as “Non-GMDSS”).
Article 6
The communications and related electronic operations of ship radio station should be conducted by seafarers certified by the competent authorities, in charge of agriculture or navigation careers, with the expertise of ship radio communication.
One dedicated seafarer should be designated for the major responsibility of radio communications while a ship is in distress. The radio logbooks should be kept for entering all the detail operation.
Article 7
The performance standard and the installation for the equipment of the ship radio station should conform to the relevant requirements of the Part Seven of the Ship Equipment Regulations.
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations