Print Date:113/07/16 19:09

  Chapter I General Rules

Article 1
These Regulations are promulgated pursuant to Paragraph 2 of Article 29, Paragraph 4 of Article 31 and Paragraph 6 of Article 33 of the Telecommunications Management Act(referred to as the Act hereinafter).
Article 2
The terms adopted in these Regulations are defined as follows:
1. Mobile network: the network composed of one or more mobile communications systems and the associated telecommunications equipment and lines.
2. Fixed network: the network composed of one or more fixed communications systems and the associated telecommunications equipment and lines.
3. Point of interconnection: the physical link for network interconnection between telecommunications enterprises.
4. Interconnection setup charge: the one-time cost for network interconnection establishment between telecommunications enterprises.
5. Termination rate: the cost calculated on the basis of duration of the communications using network interconnection.
6. Tariff: the charge collected by a telecommunications enterprise from subscribers for using telecommunication services.
7. Transit charge: the charge paid to the other telecommunications enterprises, through whose network the communication between networks of two telecommunications enterprises are completed for the networks of two enterprises, which are partly or completely not well interconnected.
8. Connection charge or other equipment rents: the cost for leasing links or other equipment in order to establish interconnected circuits.
9. Other ancillary charge: the costs for providing other interconnectionrelated services.
10. Cost: the cost of telecommunications service containing reasonable returns on investment.
11. Total element long run incremental cost(TELRIC): the long run forward-looking cost added to telecom enterprises for making use of equipment and their functions related to unbundled network elements directly or indirectly in order to offer network interconnection.
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations