Print Date:113/07/16 19:47

  Chapter 3: Operation Management

   Section 2: Cross-investment or Merger

Article 50
Service providers may apply for cross-investment or merger pursuant to Article 15 of these Regulations without being constrained by Paragraphs 1 and 5 of Article 16 and Article 17.
An application for merger mentioned in the preceding Paragraph shall be rejected if the applicant is subject to the situations provided in Paragraph 4 of Article 46.
If the applicant goes into merger after obtaining a charter and the service area becomes full area after the merger, the multiplier used for the calculation of charter fee shall be the average of the multipliers of the charters being merged. If the service area is still in the North Area or the South Area after merger, then the multiplier used for the calculation of the charter fee shall be the highest among the multipliers of the charters being merged. The minimum paid-in capital for the merged company pursuant to Paragraph 1 shall be greater than the amount as provided in Paragraph 3 of Article 4 multiplied by the number of charter being merged.
If an applicant, pursuant to Paragraph 1, goes into merger within the same service area, the applicant shall submit a report that explains the influence that the merger may impose on the development of the market for the Services, the overall economic benefits, and the reduction of unfavorable competition.
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations