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  Chapter 5 Supplementary Provisions

Article 32
For missing documents that should have been provided by applicant or establisher or missing contents that should have been provided, the competent authority may require correction by a given deadline; failure to correct or incomplete correction will result in rejection of application.
Article 33
The frequency use certificate shall not be transferred, leased, ledged, mortgaged or otherwise sanctioned. In the event of loss, damage or alteration of recorded items, relevant certification documents shall be provided to the competent authority to apply for reissuance, replacement or correction.
The frequency use certificate or radio station license shall become invalid upon expiration.
Article 34
The standards, recommendations, regulations or procedures regarding telecommunications in the International Telecommunications Convention, International Radio Regulations, International Telegram Regulations, International Telephone Regulations and International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea and their associated addenda may apply to matters not specified by the competent authority for the technologies, equipment and operation standards for dedicated telecommunications network.
Article 35
For the forms and certificates stipulated in these Regulations, the items to be included in their contents and their formats shall be separately announced by the competent authority, unless otherwise specified in these Regulations.
Article 36
For the distributed dedicated radio frequencies issued pursuant to the Administrative Regulations for Academic Experimental Radio Stations or Administrative Regulations on the Establishment and Operation of Dedicated Telecommunications, and the Connection of Dedicated Telecommunications to Public Communication System prior to the promulgation of the Act, the network establishment proposal shall be submitted to the competent authority for the application for the issuance of frequency use certificate and replacement of radio station license in two(2)months starting from three(3)months before the radio station license expires.
For the application for replacement of radio station license proposed by those who have been issued the frequency use certificate mentioned in the preceding paragraph, it is not necessary to reapply for the frequency use certificate.
The MMSI numbers issued pursuant to Paragraph 1, Article 48 of the Telecommunications Act to the promulgation of the Act may remain in use.
Article 37
In case that the public service network establisher is a government agency(institution), the competent authority may delegate the management to the central agency that supervises its businesses; the same shall apply to other dedicated telecommunications networks that are in need of management delegation.
Article 38
In case that the organization of a public service network establisher is changed or its businesses are transferred, but radio frequency, bandwidth, power output and place of establishment in the radio station license remain unchanged, the network establishment proposal shall be submitted to the competent authority for application for replacement of frequency use certificate, network inspection approval certificate and radio station license, and the competent authority may approve the replacement directly.
Article 39
These Regulations shall be effective on the first day of July, 2020.
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations