Print Date:113/07/16 19:50

  Chapter 4 Settlement of Disputes

Article 75
With respect to sharing of network infrastructure facilities and related telecommunications facilities, and other matters that shall be subject to negotiations between operators pursuant to the provisions of these Regulations, operators shall negotiate with each other in good faith. In the event where more than one operator request for negotiations on the same matter, the negotiations may be conducted concurrently.
An agreement shall be concluded within three months after the beginning date of the negotiations as referred to in the preceding Paragraph, and the written agreement shall be submitted to the competent authority within one month after the conclusion thereof. In the event where the requested operator fails to begin the negotiations within one month after the receipt of such request, or an agreement cannot be concluded within the three-month period, either operator may submit a written request for mediation by the competent authority.
Operators shall provide number portability service in accordance with provisions of the Regulations Governing Number Portability Service.
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations