Print Date:113/07/16 19:57

  Chapter V Supplementary Provisions

Article 85
Those applying to run operations shall, in compliance with the review, authentication, validation, licensing and related procedure, remit the review fee, authentication fee and licensing fee to the competent authority according to the billing standards the competent authority specifies.
The previously nominated bidder shall remit the wireless radio frequency utilization fee to competent authority in accordance with the wireless radio frequency utilization fee billing standards, effective from the third year January 1 that the competent authority announces the list of nominated bidders.
In the event wherethe frequencies awarded by the bid are still run by a mobile telephone service, a third-generation mobile telecommunications service operator or wireless broadband access service after the third year January 1 that the competent authority announces the list of nominated bidders, the nominated bidder shall, effective from the following day said operator reverts its frequencies, remit the wireless radio frequency utilization fee.
Article 85-1
Subparagraph 2 to 4 of Article 69 and Article 78 shall not apply to services an Operator provides using telecommunications numbers with the prefix 040 in the telecommunications network numbering plan.
Article 86
Of the mandated entries and format for relevant standardized forms and license certificates the rules specify,unless otherwise stipulated by the rules, the competent authority shall specify and announce the information.
Article 87
The applicant, competitive bidder, nominated bidder or periods (deadlines) the operator is to abide by as specified by rules, unless otherwise stipulated by the rules, shall be of invariable terms.
Article 88
Those who breach stipulations set by the rules shall be penalized per stipulations provided by the rules.
Article 89
The Regulations and relevant amendments shall be implemented from the date of promulgation.
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations