Print Date:113/07/16 19:29

Telecommunications Management Act ( 2023.06.28 Amended )

  Chapter V Management of Radio Frequency and Radio Equipment

   Section 2 Management of radio frequency devices

Article 65
Radio frequency devices may be freely circulated and used, unless specified otherwise by law.
To maintain the order of radio waves, controlled telecommunications radio frequency devices announced by the competent authority shall obtain approval therefrom before the manufacture and import.
The approval methods in terms of manufacture and import of controlled telecommunications radio frequency devices and the conditions, abolishment and application procedures and documents, management and restrictions and other related matters thereof shall be promulgated by the competent authority.
Those who manufacture or import controlled telecommunications radio frequency devices; possess controlled telecommunications radio frequency devices for the establishment of station; or possess controlled telecommunications radio frequency devices whose amount of power is above the standards announced by the competent authority shall report the trail, use and status of controlled telecommunications radio frequency devices to the competent authority on a regular basis.
The operating procedures and documents required for the declaration of a controlled telecommunications radio frequency device as described in the preceding paragraph; management and restrictions; and other related matters shall be promulgated by the competent authority.
Article 66
Only controlled telecommunications radio frequency devices that comply with technical specifications and pass relevant inspections can be traded, unless the competent authority has granted a special approval under specific circumstance.
Technical specifications of controlled telecommunications radio frequency devices shall be announced by the competent authority.
Where mobile telecommunications terminal equipment certified with an approval certificate is likely to harm consumers as supported by the evidence, reporting such to the competent authority is required, and adopting necessary corrective measures or having such defective equipment recalled is required.
Where mobile telecommunications terminal equipment certified with an approval certificate is believed to be harmful to consumers, and this concern has been confirmed according to the investigation results, the competent authority shall order the one who acquired said approval certificate to recall the sold equipment within a prescribed deadline or adopt other approaches to have them appropriately handled.
Rules governing the inspection methods and procedures for controlled telecommunications radio frequency devices; the issuance, renewal, reissuance and abolishment of approval certificate; the labeling, printing and use of approval label; the supervision and management of inspection activities; and the reporting and handling operations shall be promulgated by the competent authority.
For controlled telecommunications radio frequency devices that are used as telecommunications terminal equipment, Article 44 is applicable to the inspection and technical specifications thereof.
Article 67
The use of radio frequency devices must not interfere with legal communications or impact flight safety.
Upon finding any circumstances of interference as described in the preceding paragraph, the competent authority may restrict or prohibit the users thereof from using the device.
The users as described in the preceding paragraph may propose an improvement plan and, upon receipt of the competent authority’s consent, restore the use of said device.
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations