Print Date:113/07/16 19:50

  Chapter 2 The Approval of the Establishment and Operation

Article 6
Dedicated telecommunications shall not be set up and operated without approval and license from the competent authority.
Foreigner applying to establish dedicated telecommunications shall obtain special approval on a case-by-case basis from the competent authority.
Article 7
Applicant applying for dedicated telecommunications shall file an application to the competent authority.
The aforementioned application shall specify the following:
1. The name, address, telephone numbers and ID number of the applicant; if the applicant is a public institute, private institute, group, or school, it shall specify the name, address and telephone numbers of the legal representative.
2. The purpose of station establishment.
3. The location of the station.
4. The radio telecommunications part of system diagram and communication mode for the telephone equipment shall specify the power, frequency, type of transmission, frequency bandwidth and antenna types.
5. The name and ID numbers of the engineering supervisors.
6. The expected completion date of the dedicated wired telecommunications’ establishment period.
Where the application as described in Paragraph 1 is submitted by a public utility that installs a smart meter system on dedicated frequency, the said public utility shall attach the type approval or certificate of the wireless transmission or reception equipment as issued by the competent authority with the application.
Article 8
The applicant applying for the dedicated telecommunications will be issued the establishment permit by the competent authority only after being approved by the competent authority.
Applicant applying for the dedicated radio telecommunications shall complete the establishment within six months after obtaining the permit. If the applicant fails to complete establishment prior to the expiration date of establishment, the applicant shall state the reasons by document and apply to the competent authority for extending the establishment period for another six months. Such application shall be made one month prior to the expiration date of establishment permit and limit to once; otherwise, the permit may be terminated by the competent authority.
The applicant applying for the dedicated wired telecommunications shall complete the establishment within the period approved by the competent authority. If the applicant fails to complete establishment within the period approved by the competent authority, with approved reason, the applicant shall apply to the competent authority for extending another period and such application shall limit to once; otherwise, the permit may be terminated by the competent authority.
The applicant complying with aforementioned two provisions and completing the establishment shall apply for the inspection from the competent authority. The equipment shall be put into operation only after passing the inspection and a license is issued from the competent authority.
Article 9
The license shall be valid for three years.
If the Station continues to operate after its license expires, the applicant shall apply to the competent authority for renewal of the license within one month prior to the expiration date of the license. The valid period of renewal license takes effect from next day of the expiration date of the license.
With the license lost, damaged, or its content changed, the licensee shall apply for replacement, renewal or correction of the license. The valid period of the license shall be the same as the original one.
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations