Print Date:113/07/16 19:56


Article 5
Regarding the applications of CTRFD compliance approval, the compliance approval can be classified as “sale use” or “private use” on the basis of use.
Compliance approval for the purpose of sale includes type certificate, DoC, simplified DoC and step-by-step compliance approval.
The approval operating procedures for type certificate, DoC, simplified DoC or step-by-step compliance approval shall be conducted as follows:
1. Regarding applications of type approval, the CTRFD examination report acquired by a domestic natural person, corporate or non-corporate organization, or foreign manufacturer shall be submitted to the Certification Body with relevant documents. The Certification Body shall issue the approval certificate should the application comply with Article 4 of the Act.
2. Regarding applications of DoC, the CTRFD examination report acquired by a domestic natural person, corporate or non-corporate organization, or foreign manufacturer shall be submitted to the Certification Body with its declaration and relevant documents for registration. Upon completion of the registration, the Certification Body shall issue the approval certificate accordingly.
3. Regarding applications of simplified DoC, the declaration made by a domestic natural person, corporate or non-corporate organization, or foreign manufacturer for the compliance of its CTRFD with Article 4 or regulations equivalent to Article 4 of the Act shall be submitted to the Certification Body with relevant documents for registration. Upon completion of the registration, the Certification Body shall issue the approval certificate accordingly.
4. Regarding applications of step-by-step compliance approval, the CTRFD examination report or source certificate shall be submitted to the Commission with relevant documents. The Certification Body shall issue the approval certificate should the application comply with Article 4 of the Act.
Compliance approval of radio-frequency modules (parts) shall be applied according to subparagraph 1 of the preceding Paragraph.
The implementation items and date of CTRFD DoC and simplified DoC shall be announced by the Commission.
Those who announce publicly the implementation of DoC items shall apply for compliance approval in accordance with subparagraph 1 of Paragraph 3. Those who publicly announce the implementation of simplified DoC shall apply for compliance approval according to subparagraph 1 or 2 of Paragraph 3.
The application of CTRFD compliance approval for “private use” shall be submitted with relevant documents by a natural person, corporate or non-corporate organization. The Commission shall issue the approval certificate should the application comply with Article 4 of the Act.
The CTRFD for private use as described in the preceding paragraph shall comply with one of the following rules:
1. The number of imported low-power radio frequency devices shall be a maximum of ten sets;
2. The number of imported CTRFDs with the same brand name and model number shall be a maximum of two sets;
3. The number of self-made CTRFDs shall be a maximum of five sets.
Regarding applications of CTRFD compliance approval, applicants who are natural persons shall be over the age of twenty and the application shall be conducted at the office of the Certification Body.
Article 6
Where the documents or objects submitted by the Applicant for CTRFD compliance approval is deemed incomplete or insufficient, the Certification Body shall notify the Applicant. Starting from the day after receiving the notification, the Applicant shall undertake corrective action within one month. The application of those who fail to undertake the required corrective action within the prescribed period shall be rejected.
If the application is rejected, disqualified items shall be listed and notified by the Certification Body. Starting from the next day after receiving the notification, the Applicant shall undertake corrective action and reapply to the original Certification Body for certification within two months. The application of those who fail to reapply for certification or remain disqualified during the re-certification shall be rejected.
Article 7
Examination report mentioned in the Act shall be issued by the examination body.
Where the examination body as described in the preceding paragraph is unable to provide the device examination service, the Applicant of compliance approval may submit examination reports issued by examination body accredited by accreditation bodies of other countries and the said report shall comply with Article 4.
Where the testing laboratory accredited by accreditation bodies of other countries as described in the preceding paragraph is unable to provide the device examination services, the applicant may submit test reports provided by the manufacturer and the said report shall comply with Article 4.
The examination report as described in Paragraph 1 shall include the following items:
1. Name and address of Applicant;
2. Name and address of examination body;
3. Report number that is used as the only identification. The number shall be printed on each page of the report.
4. Device name, brand name and model number;
5. Color photos or pictures of the sample device (of six sides of the sample and its accessories). The photos or pictures shall be minimum 4” x 6” and shall clearly show the brand name, model number and PCB components;
6. Interface test diagram and description. Where the test requires specific fixture and testing point, the Applicant shall specify the name of the said fixture, testing point and test software;
7. Name of testing instrumentation, brand name, model number, calibration date and date of expiry;
8. Examination items and standards as specified in relevant technical specifications;
9. Test data (including scanned picture) and verdict of test results;
10. Date of acceptance and completion of test.
The test report as described in Paragraph 2 and 3 shall include the following items:
1. Name and address of Applicant;
2. Name and accreditation number of accreditation body, except for test report issued by the manufacturer;
3. Name and address of testing laboratories;
4. Report number that is used as the only identification. The number shall be printed on each page of the report;.
5. Device name, brand name and model number;
6. Color photos or pictures of the device sample (of six sides of the sample; its accessories; and the front and back of the radio-frequency component). The photos or pictures shall be minimum 4” x 6” and shall clearly show the brand name, model number and PCB components;
7. Interface test diagram and description. Where the test requires specific fixture and testing point, the Applicant shall specify the name of the said fixture, testing point and test software;
8. Test instrument’s name, brand name, model number, calibration date and date of expiry;
9. Examination items and standards as specified in relevant technical specifications;
10. Test data (including scanned picture) and verdict of test results;
11. Date of acceptance and completion of test.
Related personnel of the examination body shall sign the examination report, whereas the test report shall be signed by the testing laboratory or personnel of the manufacturer.
Article 8
Those who apply for CTRFD type approval shall complete the application form and submit the original copy or photocopy of the following documents to the certification body. Applicants that succeed in type approval shall receive a CTRFD approval certificate printed with the format of approval label from the certification body. The certification body may request the Applicant to submit a sample device whenever necessary:
1. User manual or instructions in Chinese or English.
2. Technical specifications in Chinese or English.
3. Circuit diagram or block diagram.
4. Examination report of device sample.
5. Color photos or pictures of the device sample (of six sides of the sample and its accessories). The photos or pictures shall be minimum 4” x 6” and shall clearly show the brand name and model number.
6. Applicants who are natural persons of the country shall submit identifications of the Republic of China (two forms of identification), whereas a domestic corporate or non-corporate organization or foreign manufacturer shall submit the company registration certificate.
7. Other certification documents requested by the Commission.
8. A CD with digital files of the application form and electronic files itemized from Paragraph 1 to 7.
The certification body shall return all the documents submitted for the application as described in the preceding Paragraph, but shall retain the application form and CD when issuing the type approval certificate.
Article 9
Those who apply for CTRFD DoC shall complete the application form and submit the original copy or photocopy of the following documents to the certification body. Applicants that succeed in the registration shall receive a CTRFD DoC certificate printed with the format of DoC label from the certification body.
1. User manual or instructions in Chinese or English.
2. Specifications in Chinese or English.
3. Circuit diagram or block diagram.
4. Examination report of device sample.
5. Color photos or pictures of the device sample (of six sides of the sample and its accessories). The photos or pictures shall be minimum 4” x 6” and shall clearly show the brand name and model number.
6. Applicants who are natural persons of the country shall submit identifications of the Republic of China (two forms of identification), whereas a domestic corporate or non-corporate organization or foreign manufacturer shall submit the company registration certificate.
7. Other certification documents requested by the Commission.
8. A CD with digital files of the application form and electronic files itemized from Paragraph 1 to 7.
The certification body shall return all the documents submitted for the application as described in the preceding Paragraph, but shall retain the application form and CD when issuing the DoC certificate.
Article 10
Those who apply for CTRFD simplified DoC shall complete the application form and submit the original copy or photocopy of the following documents to the certification body. Applicants that succeed in the registration shall receive a CTRFD DoC certificate printed with the format of DoC label from the certification body. The certification body may request the Applicant to submit a test report whenever necessary.
1. User manual or instructions in Chinese or English.
2. Specifications in Chinese or English.
3. Color photos or pictures of the device sample (of six sides of the sample and its accessories). The photos or pictures shall be minimum 4” x 6” and shall clearly show the brand name and model number.
4. Applicants who are natural persons of the country shall submit identifications of the Republic of China (two forms of identification), whereas a domestic corporate or non-corporate organization or foreign manufacturer shall submit the company registration certificate.
5. Other certification documents requested by the Commission.
6. A CD with digital files of the application form and electronic files itemized from Paragraph 1 to 5.
The certification body shall return all the documents submitted for the application as described in the preceding Paragraph, but shall retain the application form and CD when issuing the DoC certificate.
The test report as described in Paragraph 1 shall be issued by the examination body or testing laboratories recognized by other countries according to the technical specifications that are equivalent to those of our country. The content of test report shall comply with Paragraph 5 and 6 of Article 7 of the Regulations.
Article 11
Those who apply for step-by-step compliance approval of CTRFD for sale use shall complete the application form and submit the following devices and documents (original copy or photocopy) to the Commission. Applicants that succeed in the approval shall receive a CTRFD approval certificate printed with the format of approval label from the Commission. The Commission may request the Applicant to submit an examination report of the device whenever necessary:
1. To-be-approved CTRFD.
2. User manual or instructions in Chinese or English.
3. Technical specifications or catalogue, which shall technical standards such as the frequency and output power, in Chinese or English.
4. Identification documents for device source.
5. Applicants who are natural persons of the country shall submit identifications of the Republic of China (two forms of identification), whereas a domestic corporate or non-corporate organization or foreign manufacturer shall submit the company registration certificate.
6. Other certification documents requested by the Commission.
The Commission shall return all the devices submitted for the application as described in the preceding Paragraph, but shall retain the aforementioned documents for its reference.
Article 12
Those who apply for compliance approval of CTRFD for private use shall complete the application form and submit the following devices and documents (original copy or photocopy) to the Commission. Applicants that succeed in the approval shall receive a CTRFD approval certificate printed with the format of approval label from the Commission. The Commission may request the Applicant to submit an examination report of the device whenever necessary:
1. To-be-approved CTRFD.
2. Technical specifications or catalogue, which shall technical standards such as the frequency and output power, in Chinese or English.
3. Identification documents for device source.
4. Applicants who are natural persons of the country shall submit identifications (two forms of identification), whereas domestic corporate or non-corporate organization or foreign manufacturer shall submit company registration certificate.
The Commission shall return all the devices submitted for the application as described in the preceding Paragraph, but shall retain the aforementioned documents its reference.
Article 13
Compliance approval applications of CTRFD or radio-frequency modules (parts) with different brand name, model number, technical specifications or radio-frequency function shall be submitted separately.
Where there is any change to the brand name, model number, technical specifications or radio-frequency function of approved CTRFD or radio-frequency modules (parts), the Applicant shall re-apply for compliance approval.
Where CTRFD after the change is certified through type approval, the Applicant may apply for type approval of series product(s) in any of the following circumstances:
1. The change was made to the antenna, appearance, auxiliary non-radio-frequency functions, power supply methods or the brand name or model name of other products.
2. The transmission power, frequency range or the number of channels was reduced through software updates or amendment without changing the hardware specifications, brand name or model number.
Where radio-frequency modules (parts) after the change are certified through type approval, the Applicant may apply for type approval of series product(s) in any of the following circumstances:
1. Addition to platform that is applicable to radio-frequency modules (parts).
2. Change to radio-frequency modules (parts) without changing the radio-frequency function.
3. The transmission power, frequency range or number of channels was reduced through software updates or amendment without changing the hardware specifications, brand name or model number.
Concerning type approval applications of series products as described in Paragraph 3 and 4, the Applicant shall submit a written statement specifying the difference between the product and certified product model, to the original certification body.
Where the change is made only to the appearance of approved CTRFD, the Applicant shall not be required to re-apply for the compliance approval upon receipt of the agreement of original certification body.
Regarding CTRFD and radio-frequency modules (parts) certified through type approval, the Applicant may use the original approval label issued with the CTRFD type approval certificate if the change was made to the transmission power, frequency range or number of channels through software update or amendment without changing the hardware specifications, brand name or model number.
Where modification is made to approval rules of CTRFD related technical standards, CTRFD or radio-frequency modules (parts) that already received approval certificates shall adhere to the following rules:
1. Where the modified technical specifications have specified the implementation period, the Applicant shall re-apply for compliance approval according to the specified period.
2. Where the modification does not specify the implementation period, the Applicant shall re-apply for compliance approval within two years after the modification takes place.
Article 14
Those who succeed in the application of type approval, DoC and simplified DoC certificate shall retain the sample device and test software / fixture required for the test for five years after the termination of production or import of the device.
Article 15
The certification body shall set up an online application system to accept applications for the compliance approval of CTRFD and radio-frequency modules (parts).
The Commission shall announce details and implementation schedule of the aforementioned online application system.
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations