Print Date:113/07/16 19:44

  Chapter 2 Permit on Operation

Article 5
Those engaged in the manufacturing or importing of CTRFDs shall be forbidden from operating the devices until approval and a CTRFD operation certificate (hereinafter as “operation certificate”)issued by NCC has been obtained.
Article 6
Those who apply for operation certificate shall complete a CTRFD operation certificate application form (hereinafter as “operation certificate application form”), as well as prepare the following other documents, and submit them to NCC; the operation certificate will then be issued after gaining approval:
1. Those applying for manufacturer operations:
(1) One copy of company establishment registration certificate or commercial establishment registration certificate.
(2) One copy of factory registration certificate or affidavit.
2. Those applying for import operations: One copy of company establishment registration certificate or commercial establishment registration certificate.
In order to carry out the registration of company establishment or commercial establishment, the applicant must have first obtained the permit documents issued by NCC and completed the CTRFD operation permit application form and submitted them to NCC for approval. The validity period of operation permits shall be six months. Those that fail to carry out the registration of company establishment or commercial establishment within the period shall re-apply for the permit.
Those applying for the operation certificates in Paragraph 1, whose submitted documents are incomplete, shall be required to undertake corrective action within a certain period prescribed by NCC. Applications of those who fail to undertake corrective action or whose corrections are still deemed to be incomplete after the prescribed period shall be rejected.
In order to avoid the interference of legal radio users, those engaged in the CTRFD manufacturer operations shall establish an appropriate radio waves shielding facility at the location of the factory. If interference occurs, this shall be handled in accordance with the Administrative Regulations on Radio Waves Monitoring or other relevant regulations.
The validity period for operation certificates shall be three years. For those who wish to continue operations after the expiration date, the operators shall complete the CTRFD operation certificate transfer or reissue application form and the documents set in Paragraph 1 and submit them to NCC within one month prior to the expiration date to apply for a reissue of a new certificate, which shall be valid from the day the original certificate expires. Operators that fail to apply for a reissue of the certificate before the expiration date shall re-apply in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 1, and may continue operations after NCC issues the new operation certificate.
The applications in Paragraph 1, Paragraph 2, and Paragraph 5 can be carried out by the applicants themselves, or entrusted to be carried out by a designated associate or by others.
The applications for operation permits and operation certificates can be completed online, the implementation time and application process of which shall be announced by NCC.
Article 7
The below registered content shall be included in the operation certificate:
1. Certificate number.
2. Company or factory name.
3. Representative.
4. Office location.
5. Factory location (if manufacturer).
6. Business items.
7. Certificate validity period.
8. Certificate issued date.
Article 8
Operation certificates may not be leased, relinquished, pledged, re-transferred, or provided for the use of others by other means.
Should the operation certificate be lost or damaged, the holder shall immediately complete CTRFD operation certificate transfer or reissue application form and the documents set in Paragraph 1, Article 6 and submit them to NCC for transfer or reissue.
Whenever changes are made to recorded items in the operation certificate, the holder shall apply for certificate transfer from NCC in accordance with the following regulations:
1. Change of company name, representative, office or factory location: After completing the change of registration of company establishment or commercial establishment or the registration of factory establishment, the holder shall complete and submit the operation certificate transfer or reissue application form and the documents set in Paragraph 1, Article 6.
2. Change of business categories: One shall fill in and submit the operation certificate transfer or reissue application form and the documents set in Paragraph 1, Article 6.
The applications in the previous two paragraphs can be carried out by the applicants themselves, or entrusted to be carried out by a designated associate or by others.
The application for reissue or transfer of operation certificates in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 2 and Paragraph 3; the period of validity period shall be the same as the original certificate.
For those operating the CTRFD manufacture or import businesses and plan to terminate all its businesses shall report to NCC one month prior to the termination date for recordation. Their operation certificate shall be revoked immediately.
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations