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  Chapter 2 Opening and acceptance of applications

Article 4
The following shall be specified when the competent authority announces applications of radio frequency assignment proposed by telecommunications enterprises can be accepted:
1. Period of application;
2. Range, purpose and period of use of radio frequency and other applicable conditions and limitations;
3. Qualifications of the applicant and user;
4. Obligations to be borne by the user;
5. Required fees;
6. Method of radio frequency assignment.
Article 5
The applicant may conduct a measurement of reception based on the status of radio frequency open for application. Uncertainties pertaining to the results of the measurement could be clarified by consulting the competent authority prior to the period of application, aforementioned in the preceding article, expires. In the case where the deadline has not been specified, the applicant shall consult with the competent authority for clarification prior to the application being proposed.
Article 6
The following documents shall be submitted to the competent authority as a part of the application package within the specified period:
1. Application form;
2. Radio frequency use plan;
3. Photocopy of the remittance receipt for the required fees.
The following shall be specified in the radio frequency use plan mentioned above:
1. Concepts of the current status of telecommunications equipment:
(1) Type and characteristics of the technology used;
(2) System architecture, communications pattern and service contents.
2. Concepts of network establishment plan;
3. Concepts of radio frequency use and configuration;
4. Matters to be performed for the use of radio frequency and guarantee of responsibilities;
5. Other matters specified by the competent authority.
The competent authority may request the applicant or user to provide additional documents, if deemed necessary, with view to determining the qualification mentioned in Subparagraph 3, Article 4.
Article 7
No correction of applications proposed by an applicant shall be permitted in any of the following circumstances and such applications shall be rejected by the competent authority:
1. Failure to submit the application within the specified period;
2. Failure to submit the application form or radio frequency use plan; or
3. Failure to remit the required fees or payment in full.
Article 8
No correction of applications proposed by an applicant shall be permitted in any of the following circumstances and such applications shall be rejected by the competent authority:
1. Misrepresentation or false statement provided in the application package regarding Subparagraph 3, Article 4;
2. Application with falsified / altered documents; or
3. Any behavior considered to compromise a fair and just application.
Article 9
Should none of the circumstances specified in the preceding two Articles do not occur, in any of the following circumstances, the competent authority may request the applicant to undertake certain corrections to the application. However, the application may still be rejected by the competent authority if the corrections have not been undertaken or completed within the specified time period:
1. Failure to meet the qualification requirements announced according to Subparagraph 3, Article 4;
2. Missing documents or incomplete statements in documents specified in Paragraphs 1 and 2, Article 6, or apparent writing or calculation error(s) in the contents of the application form and radio frequency use plan;
3. Failure of the type of technology used in the telecommunications equipment to meet the purpose of radio frequency announced by the competent authority according to Subparagraph 2, Article 4, or concern of compromising interoperability between telecommunications services.
In case that the applicant fails to submit the required additional documents specified in Paragraph 3, Article 6 within the specified period, the application shall be rejected by the competent authority.
Article 10
The competent authority shall withdraw or revoke the qualification of an applicant should any of the following occurs to the applicant; and the assignment that has been approved shall be withdrawn or revoked:
1. Any of the circumstances specified in any of the Subparagraphs of Article 8, Subparagraph 1 of Paragraph 1 or Paragraph 2 of the previous article;
2. The circumstance specified in Subparagraph 3, Article 7;
3. Any other matters announced by the competent authority.
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations