Print Date:113/07/16 19:39

  Chapter 2 Establishment of Dedicated Telecommunications Network

   Section 1 Application for Establishment of Public Service Network

Article 6
Those who apply for establishment of public service network(referred to as the public service network establisher hereinafter)shall prepare and submit the following documents to the competent authority for approval:
1. Application form;
2. Network establishment proposal;
3. Document proving the payment of review fees;
4. Letter indicating the confirmation of competent authority of target business for compliance with public service purposes; this letter is not required for government agencies, public schools, government-owned enterprises and non-departmental public bodies;
5. Other document(s)required by the competent authority.
The network establishment proposal in the preceding paragraph shall include the following:
1. Areas of establishment;
2. Purpose of and configuration for use of radio frequency, including radio frequencies, frequency bandwidths and transmission power used in each of the areas and radio wave coverage. The radio wave coverage shall be provided with a topographic or electronic map that contains longitudes and latitudes.
3. Necessary configuration against interference;
4. Network structure;
5. Use of telecommunications equipment of consideration of national security;
6. Network configuration for cyber security detection and protection;
7. Radio station establishment proposal, including type, frequency, frequency bandwidth, power output, quantity and technical specifications of stations.
Article 7
The following examination criteria shall apply to the applications for establishment of public service network:
1. Whether the purpose of establishment and areas of establishment are met;
2. Whether there is possible harmful interference from the assigned frequency;
3. Whether telecommunications equipment of consideration of national security is used;
4. Whether enough equipment and functions are provided to ensure cyber security.

   Section 2 Application for Establishment of Private Network

Article 8
Those who apply for establishment of private network(referred to as the private network establisher hereinafter)shall prepare and submit the following documents to the competent authority for approval:
1. Application form;
2. Network establishment proposal;
3. Document proving the payment of review fees;
4. Other document(s)required by the competent authority.
The network establishment proposal in the preceding paragraph shall include the following:
1. Explanation that telecommunications enterprises do not provide the service needed or the service provided does not fulfill the need of private network establisher;
2. Explanation that the telecommunications network established by using a frequency that does not need distribution does not fulfill the need of private network establisher;
3. Explanation that fixed telecommunications network does not fulfill the need of private network establisher;
4. Areas of establishment;
5. Purpose and configuration of use of radio frequency, including radio frequencies, frequency bandwidths and transmission power used in each of the areas and radio wave coverage. The radio wave coverage shall be provided with a topographic or electronic map that contains longitudes and latitudes.
6. Necessary configuration against interference;
7. Network structure;
8. Use of telecommunications equipment of consideration of national security;
9. Network configuration for cyber security detection and protection;
10. Radio station establishment proposal, including type, frequency, frequency bandwidth, power output, quantity and technical specifications of stations.
The private network establishers using MMSI numbers shall submit the documents specified in Paragraph 1, which are then forwarded to the competent authority by the competent authority of navigation.
Article 9
The following examination criteria shall apply to the applications for establishment of private network:
1. Whether telecommunications enterprises do not provide the service needed or the service provided does not fulfill the need of private network establisher;
2. Whether the telecommunications network established by using a frequency that does not need distribution does not fulfill the need of private network establisher;
3. Whether fixed telecommunications network does not fulfill the need of private network establisher;
4. Whether the purpose of establishment and areas of establishment are met;
5. Whether there is possible harmful interference from the assigned frequency;
6. Whether telecommunications equipment of consideration of national security is used;
7. Whether enough equipment and functions are provided to ensure cyber security.
Article 10
For the examination of applications for establishment of private network, the competent authority may assemble an examination panel for consultation.

   Section 3 Radio Frequency Distribution for Dedicated Telecommunications Network

Article 11
For the network establishment proposals that are proposed by public service network establishers and private network establishers(referred to collectively as the establishers hereinafter)and approved by the competent authority, the competent authority shall issue the letter of network establishment approval and frequency use certificate.
The frequency use certificate mentioned in the preceding paragraph is valid for:
1. Ten(10)years for the establishment of public service network;
2. Five(5)years for the establishment of private network.
The establishers who still intend to operate the dedicated telecommunications network after expiration of the frequency use certificate shall apply to the competent authority for renewal of frequency use certificate in two(2)months starting from three(3)months prior to the expiration; the renewed certificate becomes valid from the next day that the original certificate expires.
Article 12
The establishers who intend to add or change the configuration of radiofrequency use, areas of establishment or configuration of radio station establishment shall apply for the change of network establishment proposal pursuant to Article 25.
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations