Print Date:113/07/16 19:08

  Chapter 2 Manufacture

Article 4
Those that apply for manufacturing CTRFDs shall submit an application to the competent authority with the documents listed below; the competent authority shall issue a manufacturing approval certificate after passing the examination and prior to their manufacture:
1. Application Form for Manufacturing CTRFDs(Attachment Table 1)
2. Photocopy of company registration certificate or business registration certificate.
3. Factory registration certificate or exemption certificate of factory registration issued by the municipality or county(city).
Manufacturers of telecommunications-controlled radio frequency equipment should install appropriate radio wave isolation facilities to avoid interference with legitimate radio users; if interference occurs, it should be handled in accordance with the interference regulations of the Administrative Regulations of Radio Frequency
Article 5
Those that have obtained approval for the manufacture of CTRFDs, when changing the name of the manufacturer, representative, place of business or factory location, shall submit the required documents specified in Paragraph 1, Article 4 after completing the company or business change registration or factory registration file to the competent authority to apply for such change.
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations