Print Date:113/07/16 19:47

  Chapter 3 Administration of CTRFD

Article 9
The statistics for the model number and quantity of CTRFDs produced or imported in the previous year shall be listed and reported to NCC either by the operation certificate holder or a designated associate after obtaining notification from NCC.
Article 10
CTRFDs shall not be manufactured, imported, sold, or publicly displayed unless they have received type approval and recognition of inspections. However, the manufacture of such devices in connection with academic studies, technological research and developments or experiments, as well as uses exclusively for export, re-importation after export and other uses permitted by the NCC of such devices shall be exempt.
Article 10-1
Companies that apply for Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) type approval shall label the device “The holder of this PLB must register required information with the Maritime and Port Bureau of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MPB); those who fail to do so shall be penalized according to the provisions of the Telecommunications Act.”
For those who possess the device stipulated in the preceding paragraph for the purpose of use, shall register required information such as the identification number of the device and the contact telephone numbers of the holders and emergency contact persons. The damage or replacement of device or termination of use, as well as change of personal information, shall also be registered.
When a PLB holder makes use of the PLB and is discovered by the MPB or a government agency conducting search and rescue operations that no registration has been made in accordance with the provision of the preceding paragraph, he or she shall provide the relevant device identification number and personal information to the aforementioned government agency to make a record and notify the competent authority; the holder shall register required information prior to further use.
Article 11
CTRFDs that requires a station license, unless otherwise specified by laws and regulations, shall undergo type approval and testing compliance and shall obtain station an establishment permit certificate, station license, or special program authorization documents prior to installation.
Article 12
CTRFDs that do not require a station license and for those whose wireless telecommunications terminal equipments (hereinafter as “wireless TTE”) and low-power radio-frequency devices (hereinafter as “LPD”) are for personal use, may be exempted from undergoing type approval, testing compliance, and special program authorization.
For those whose CTRFDs in the previous paragraph influence aviation safety or interfere with legal communications, NCC shall notify users to cease usage or to undertake corrective action until no interference occurs prior to use.
Article 13
Should a CTRFD which requires a radio station license be lost or stolen, the certificate holder shall immediately report the certificate discrepancy to NCC or complete an application herewith for removal from the relevant certificate along with relevant a police report or other evidence.
Article 14
Should a CTRFD that requires a station license be damaged, replaced, or uses become suspended or terminated, the license shall holder shall report immediately to NCC to dispatch personnel to seal or destroy the device under surveillance, where the sealed period is set by the applicant. When necessary, the applicant may apply for extension by providing written statements of reasons within 14 days prior the expiration date. However, for devices of which the owner is unknown, NCC may directly seal or destroy devices under surveillance.
When it is known that CTRFDs should be sealed or destroyed under surveillance as per previous paragraph, NCC may actively dispatch personnel to seal or destroy under surveillance.
For the actively sealed CTRFDs in Paragraph 1 and the previous paragraph, NCC may dispatch personnel to inspect these intermittently.
The CTRFDs to be replaced or their uses to be suspended or terminated as in Paragraph 1 may be yielded to a third party. The installation and possession of the yielded CTRFD shall be handled in accordance with the relevant regulations to subparagraph 1, Paragraph 2, Article 3.
The CTRFDs of ships sailing on international routes or deep-sea fishing vessels that have been are destroyed or transferred due to being replaced overseas, through reporting to NCC for recordation, shall not be applicable to the provisions in the previous four paragraphs.
Those whose CTRFDs require a station license as per Paragraph 1 and require continued usage, the owner of the license may choose not to seal or destroy devices under surveillance, and shall assign someone to record and manage the number of devices and locations placed before re-obtaining a station establishment permit, and shall report to NCC for recordation. NCC may dispatch personnel to inspect these intermittently.
Article 15
Prior to conducting tests on CTRFD that transmit radio waves, the applicant shall apply to NCC for approval, which shall not be required if an operation certificate has been obtained and the test is performed within an appropriate radio waves shielding facility.
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations