Print Date:113/07/16 20:45


  Chapter 3 Telecommunications Universal Service on Data Transmission

Article 11
Telecommunications Universal Service on Data Transmission includes Telecommunications Universal Service on Data Transmission in uneconomic areas and discounts of Internet access offered to local schools and public libraries.
Article 12
The service provider of the Telecommunications Universal Service on Data Transmission in uneconomic areas shall provide services based on economic and effective technology.
The aforementioned economic and effective technology refers to the technology capable of reaching out to the maximum number of users outside uneconomic regions or achieving the transmission speed of the Telecommunications Universal Service on Data Transmission as approved by the NCC
Article 13
Incumbent operators and other type 1 telecommunication service providers shall, in accordance with the implementation plan of Telecommunications Universal Service on Data Transmission in uneconomic areas, propose method, content, implementation year, implementation duration and net service cost calculation method under Articles 6 and 9 of the Regulations. For service providers that apply for Voice-based Telecommunications Universal Service and Telecommunications Universal Service on Data Transmission in uneconomic area at the same time, the net service cost of the implementation plan of Telecommunications Universal Service on Data Transmission in uneconomic area shall deduct the proposed net cost of Voice-based Telecommunications Universal Service.
The administrative authority may, prior to March 1st of the year before the implementation year, according to the demand of the uneconomic area, promulgate and designate the incumbent operator or other Type I telecommunications enterprises to provide digital communication access universal service to specific villages and neighborhoods, the incumbent operator or other Type I telecommunications enterprises shall incorporate the universal service into the implementation plan in the aforementioned paragraph.
Article 14
Fixed network telecommunications operators, local internet service providers or local/domestic long-distance land cable leased-circuit operators engaging in Type II telecommunication internet access service and providing local Data Transmission internet access to elementary schools, high schools and public libraries with discounted fees have no need to submit an implementation plan.
Local and domestic long-distance land cable leased-circuit operators that are not engaged in Type II telecommunications internet access service and provide data transmission internet network access at reduced rates to elementary schools, high schools, and public libraries, which are qualified as one of those listed below, shall be administered in accordance with the provisions of the foregoing paragraph.
I. Local data transmission internet access provided to elementary schools and high schools by leased-circuit operators shall be connected to the Taiwanese academic network.
II. Local data transmission internet access provided to elementary schools and high schools by leased-circuit operators shall be connected to the network through Type II telecommunications internet access service providers.
III. Local data transmission internet access provided to public libraries by leased-circuit operators shall be connected to the Taiwanese academic network or government's service network providers.
IV. Local data transmission internet access provided to public libraries by leased-circuit operators shall be connected to the network through Type II telecommunications internet access service providers.
The elementary schools and high schools mentioned in I and II refer to those established under the approval of governmental agencies; public libraries refer to national libraries as well as provincial, municipal, county and local libraries.
Article 15
Schools and public libraries desiring Internet access shall select legal operators for the provision of Telecommunications Universal Service on Data Transmission.
Article 16
The competent authority(NCC)shall, no later than December 1 of the year prior to the implementation year, set forth the subsidy available for the provision of Telecommunications Universal Service on Data Transmission. The previous items of the discounts and subsidies are limited by the monthly rental charge of the local transmission circuit.
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations