Print Date:113/07/16 19:54

Telecommunications Management Act ( 2023.06.28 Amended )

  Chapter II Operations of Telecommunications Business

   Section 1 Registration

Article 5
Telecommunications service providers with any of the following activities shall register as a telecommunications enterprise with the competent authority:
1. Negotiate interconnection with other telecommunications enterprises or apply for a ruling therewith;
2. Apply for the assignment of a radio frequency outside Article 56;
3. Apply for the assignment of identification code or signal point code for establishing a PSTN;
4. Apply for the assignment of subscriber numbers.
Article 6
Those who apply to register as a telecommunications enterprise shall submit the application form to the competent authority. The same rule shall be applied when applying any amendments to registered matters.
Said application form shall specify the following matters:
1. Name and residence of the applicant and contact person;
2. Corporate or business registration document No.;
3. Service content and business overview;
4. A photocopy of the telecommunications network framework or of the PSTN use certificate.
Where the applicant fails to specify requisite information in said application form, the competent authority shall notify the applicant thereof and request the applicant to make corrections within a prescribed deadline. For those who fail to make all the requisite corrections or provide the corrections before the deadline, the application will not be accepted.
The application form format, application procedures and other related matters shall be announced by the competent authority.
A telecommunications enterprise organized in the form of a company limited by shares shall apply for public offering if its minimal capital amount and number of shareholders are above the standard.
The aforesaid standard shall refer to that announced by the competent authority.
Article 7
Telecommunications enterprises that are in any of the following circumstances will have their registration abolished by the competent authority:
1. Have terminated or suspended the operations for more than six months, except for those who fail to provide telecommunications services due to disasters or any other force majeure.
2. Failure to implement an operating plan as described in Article 37; and such failure of performance is serious.
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations