Print Date:113/07/16 19:42

  Chapter 3 Method of assignment

Article 11
The following shall be included in the announcement by the competent authority for the assignment of radio frequency according to Subparagraph 6, Article 4:
1. Method, procedure and conditions of assignment;
2. Application procedure and matters to be announced or made public or known to the applicant(s);
3. The circumstances in which the applicant loses its qualification of application.
Article 12
Upon the acceptance of application, the competent authority may assemble a review committee to examine the application package submitted by the applicant and the qualification and conditions of the applicant.
The rules regarding the operations of the aforementioned review committee shall be announced by the competent authority.
Article 13
In case that an open bid is considered as a method of application for assignment, the list of bidders shall be announced by the competent authority at the end of review mentioned in Paragraph 1 of the preceding article.
Article 14
The competent authority shall announce or inform the applicant(s) seven (7) days prior to the beginning day of individual schedules. However, this does not apply to the notifications or announcements made for the review mentioned in Article 12.
Article 15
The applicant whose radio frequency assignment has been approved shall be granted qualification for radio frequency assignment once the required fees have been paid in full by the method outlined and within the time period as specified by the competent authority, and may submit a request to the competent authority for the letter of approval for the use of assigned frequency and frequency use certificate according to the Administrative Regulations on Radio Frequency.
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations