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  Chapter 2 Network Interconnection between Type I Telecommunications Enterprises

   Section Two – Principles for Setting Points of Interconnection

Article 7
When Type I telecommunications enterprises provide network interconnection service, the interconnection points shall be established as required through negotiations.
When a dominant market player of Type I telecommunications enterprises offers network interconnection service, the interconnection points shall be set up at any points that are feasible in technology. When a dominant market player of Type I telecommunications enterprises is unable to set up interconnection points, it shall provide reasons therefor in writing to the party that demands network interconnection.
The following interconnection points are feasible in technology:
1. Local switches.
2. Local tandem switches.
3. Toll switches.
4. International switches.
5. Dedicated tandem switches.
6. Signal transfer points.
7. Cross-connection points.
8. Other precedents of points of interconnection.
Following principles shall be followed in evaluating the technical feasibility:
1. It shall be considered whether the network interconnection affects the security or reliability of telecommunications networks.
2. Space, location and economic factors are not allowed to be used as reasons for technical unfeasibility.
A dominant market player of Type I telecommunications enterprises may set up interconnection points beyond the technically feasible points set forth in Paragraph 3 as required by other Type I telecommunications enterprises and may collect charges for such points, based on actual cost.
Article 8
The network interconnection between Type I telecommunication enterprises shall have a definite liability boundary, and equipment or adequate measures for demarcation shall be set up to separate the telecommunications equipment of the enterprises.
The liability boundary, and equipment and adequate measures for demarcation set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be handled according to the agreement between both parties of the network interconnection.
Article 9
The equipment capacity and interconnected transmission circuits of the points of interconnection shall be adequate to achieve sound telecommunications quality and traffic flow.
For communications when local sending subscribers dial local receiving ones, the sending network providers or delay network providers shall not relay that communication via a foreign network unless the NCC grants permission or the receiving subscribers use roaming service.
The telecommunications quality of the network interconnection between Type I telecommunications enterprises shall meet the service quality specifications set by the NCC.
Article 10
The telecommunications enterprises that are interconnected shall be responsible for maintaining the linkage from each network terminal to the point of interconnection.
Article 11
Except as otherwise provided hereunder, the equipment configuration and maintenance, location and associated costs of the network interconnection between Type I telecommunications enterprises shall be decided through negotiation.
Calculation of the above-mentioned costs by a dominant market player of Type I telecommunications enterprises shall meet the principles of cost orientation, fair and reasonable, and non-discrimination.
For network interconnection between Type I telecommunications enterprises, space for the installation of related telecommunications equipment shall be offered upon the request of the party that demands network interconnection.
Where Type I telecommunications enterprises have provided evidences that they are unable to offer installation space pursuant to the preceding paragraph, other space shall be offered for the installation of related equipment for network interconnection by the enterprises requesting network interconnection; provided that the related interconnection equipment shall be provided by the enterprise that requests network interconnection.
Article 12
Type I telecommunications enterprises shall, in sequence, adopt technical specifications prescribed by the NCC, national standards, international standards or interconnection terms and conditions for existing telecommunications systems, which shall be the installation standards for signaling, transmission, synchronization, traffic volume or necessary traffic data exchanges functions.
In absence of the installation standards set forth in the preceding paragraph, it is decided by Type I telecommunication enterprises through negotiation.
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations