Print Date:113/07/16 19:32

  Chapter 2 Operating Franchise

   Section 2 Tendering bids

Article 15
The business service application cases that certificated pursuant the regulations of aforementioned section, except the violators stipulated in Article 18, tender bids by the pricing amount recorded in the applicants' quotation of prices, and announce the bid winner pursuant the stipulated method of Article 19.
The aforesaid pricing amount means the numeral that the tenderer commits to pay the franchise fee according to the thousand-cent comparisons of the business volume every year.
The aforesaid pricing amount in Paragraph 1 cannot be lower than the minimum reserve price promulgated by NCC.
Article 16
The NCC promulgates the date of opening tenders, and NCC shall notify the applicant and tenderers to be present 3-day before.
Per-tenderer can appoint 3 or below representatives to the bidding chamber with carrying the identification documents; if no representative are present and casting the lots is needed, the NCC shall cast lots on behalf.
Article 17
Opening tenders operation are held by the NCC; when opening tenders, the anchorman of the opening tenders arena shall break off seals publicly and announce or reveal the quotation of prices.
Article 18
If the applicant's quotation of prices exist one the problems down below, the applicant shall not tender the bid:
1. Tender with falsified or forged documents.
2. The quotation of prices and thereof envelopes use not the form made and provided by NCC.
3. The applicant submitted 2 or above quotations of prices or quoted 2 or above prices.
4. The price numerals recorded on the quotation documents have been altered, kept in blank or written with non-integer or non-formal and complex way of expressing numbers in Chinese.
5. The quotation price is lower than the promulgated minimum reserve price.
6. Behaviors violating the regulations to affect the public tender fairness that identified by the NCC.
Article 19
The method to decide tender winners promulgated down below:
1. According to the quotation (higher than the promulgated minimum reserve price) permute from the highest price to the lowest; if the quotation numerals are the same, casting lots to set the permutation.
2. The tender winners are the highest 2 quoter in proper sequence, but if the first in proper sequence uses Frequency Band B1, other tenders who use Frequency Band B1 cannot be the tender winner, and fill the vacant post in proper sequence by other tender who doesn't use the B1 Frequency Band.
Article 20
The NCC shall return the tender bidding money that was paid by tender losers or one whom failed to tender without interest required. After the tender winners pay the performance bond, the NCC shall refund the tender bidding money without interest.
Article 21
Applicants have one of the conditions down below, NCC shall not return the tender bidding money and thereof interests.
1. Tender with falsified or forged documents.
2. Withdraw of the applications or quotations of prices before the open tendering result announced.
3. Winning the tender but failed to pay the performance bond pursuant to the correlative regulations.
4. Behaviors violating the regulations to affect the public tender fairness that identified by the NCC.
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations