Print Date:113/07/16 18:36


Article 12
A television business shall not accept sponsorship or title sponsorship for its news programs, with the exception of sponsorships related to the tools or materials required for the broadcasting of the news programs in the studio, or hair and make-up services required by the anchors or hosts.
A television business shall not accept title sponsorship for its programs for children.
A television business shall not accept title sponsorship for its foreign programs broadcast between 19:00 and 23:00 hours.
Article 13
Sponsorship from business entities, agencies (institutions), groups, or persons offering the following products or services shall be forbidden:
1.Tobacco products.
2.International marriage matchmaking.
3.Commodities and services which are illegal to sell or trade by law.
4.Other commodities forbidden, by law, from advertising.
Title sponsorship for television programs from business entities, agencies (institutions), groups, or persons listed below or offering the following products or services shall be forbidden from imparting the names, logos, trademarks, brands, or attaching patterns of the sponsors:
1.Tobacco products.
2.International marriage matchmaking.
3.Commodities and services which are illegal to sell or trade by law.
4.Political parties, party members responsible for party affairs, proposed candidates, or candidates.
6.Other commodities forbidden, by law, from advertising.
Where a television business accepts sponsorship or title sponsorship for its programs yet its broadcast is restricted by other laws and regulations, the television business shall comply with said laws and regulations.
Article 14
Television businesses that accept sponsorship or title sponsorship in a program shall be forbidden from undertaking the following actions:
1.Intervene in the editing of the program content.
2.Affect the rights and benefits of the audience.
Article 15
Where a television business accepts title sponsorship, the dimensions of the name, logo, trademark, brand, or related graphics of the sponsors’ products, services, businesses, agencies (institutions), groups, or persons shall not appear larger than the logo of the television business.
Where a television business broadcasts a sports or arts and cultural event program, the dimensions of the name, logo, trademark, brand, or related graphics of the sponsors’ products, services, businesses, agencies (institutions), groups, or persons shall not appear on more than one half of the screen, and the sponsor’s information shall not obscure or affect the progress of the event. However, the aforementioned graphics may appear on the whole screen at such appropriate times as an entrance procession, change of venue, pause, or half time, etc.
The frequency of the appearance of sponsor’s information in the preceding paragraph shall conform to the principle of proportionality and shall not affect the rights of viewers; each appearance shall not exceed three seconds and shall not be accompanied by audio. However, the appearance of sponsor’s information in an appropriate position on the screen displaying such data as scoreboards shall not be subject to time limitations.
Article 16
Where a television business accepts sponsorship or title sponsorship, the name or trademark of the sponsor’s business/enterprise, agency (institution), group or person shall be explicitly revealed before or after the said program; such displayed information shall not considered as advertising time.
The displayed information in the preceding paragraph shall not contain any advertisement and shall not exceed twenty seconds.
Television businesses that fail to reveal the aforementioned information before or after the broadcasting of the program, but rather displays content in the form of an advertisement shall be dealt with according to Article 3 to 6.
Article 17
Television businesses that accept sponsorship or title sponsorship in a program shall not reveal the sponsor information during the program, except as otherwise specified in Article 15 and Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article.
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations