Print Date:113/07/16 18:35

  Chapter 4 Reporting operation

Article 14
Those that manufacture, import, or possess CTRFDs for establishing a radio station or with a certain power higher than announced by the competent authority, unless otherwise provided in these Regulations, shall submit a report every two years electronically between the period of January 1st to January 31st, attaching the CTRFD report documents.
The contents of the report in the preceding paragraph shall include the flow, purpose and status of the devices.
If the report is deemed to be incomplete or misleading, the competent authority may order it to file reports quarterly or monthly.
Those that have been ordered to report quarterly by the competent authority shall submit the CTRFD report documents of the previous quarter for report to the competent authority
Those that have been ordered by the competent authority to submit monthly reports shall report to the competent authority before the tenth of each month, attaching the report documents of CTRFD of the previous month.
When the reports in Paragraph 4 and 5 have been successfully submitted for one year, the competent authority may revoke the requirement for quarterly or monthly reports depending on the circumstances.
The term quarterly in Paragraph 3 refers to the first quarter from January to March, the second quarter from April to June, the third quarter from July to September, and the fourth quarter from October to December.
Article 15
Those submitting the report to the competent authority shall attach the following documents:
1. CTRFD report information table(Table 6)
2. Other relevant report materials as required by the competent authority.
For the report in the preceding paragraph, if the documents are incomplete, the contents of the declaration are lacking or not in compliance with the regulations, they shall be supplemented within a prescribed period of time; failure to undertake corrective action or submitting incomplete corrections within the time limit shall be considered as non-declaration.
Article 16
Those submitting the report to the competent authority falling under any one of the following circumstances may submit a Simplified Report Information Table(Table 7)and report to the competent authority electronically:
1. CTRFDs with the approval document possessed for station installation
2. CTRFDs that have been reported to the competent authority for sealing up in accordance with the regulations.
3. CTRFDs that are imported, approved and controlled by the competent authority in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations and re-imported after export for maintenance due to factors such as failure, damage or aging of parts.
4. The import is only for short-term static display, short-term exhibition performance or sports competition, and is promised to be re-exported after the end of the period.
For CTRFDs that have obtained a radio station license in subparagraph 1 of the preceding Paragraph, those submitting the report may apply for the same when applying for renewal of the power station license.
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations