Print Date:113/07/16 18:40

  Chapter II Interconnection

   Section 2 Interconnection Agreement

Article 5
The agreement between a significant market power and another telecommunications enterprise shall be fair and reasonable without any discrimination pursuant to Article 30 of the Act.
The interconnection agreement reached between a significant market power and other telecommunications enterprise shall cover at least the following items:
1. A description of the service on offer;
2. Identification of the transmission connection provider for network interconnection;
3. Transmission principles and service quality requirements for access to points of interconnection;
4. Interface characteristics and other related requirements on network interconnection;
5. Network planning of both parties, including traffic forecasts, notification deadlines for network design changes, improvement of the access completion ratio and the handling of the increase and decrease of interconnected transmission circuit bandwidth;
6. Network interconnection establishment procedure and scheduling;
7. Network interconnection charges and account processing, including the calculation method of the access charges, connection charges, transit charges, billing service, sharing of billing costs, accounting check, error account correction and other matters concerning account apportionment;
8. The method of collection of tariff from subscribers;
9. Dispute settlement procedures;
10. Matters related to the amendment, modification and termination of the written agreement;
11. Matters related to confidentiality of information and the scope of exemption for both parties;
12. Other matters related to location sharing if applicable. The agreement of interconnection between the significant market power and another telecommunications enterprise shall be submitted to the competent authority in written form within one month after its completion.
If the voice service between the significant market power and other telecommunications enterprise needs to be transmitted through the telecommunications network of a third telecommunications enterprise, the network interconnection agreement shall be negotiated and signed jointly by all parties involved.
In case of failure to sign the network interconnection agreement jointly pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the transmission and receipt of the switched voice service shall be prohibited.
Article 6
The reference offer drawn up by significant market powers pursuant to Article 32 of the Act shall contain at least the matters listed in Paragraph 2 of the preceding article.
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations