Print Date:113/07/16 19:39

  Chapter III Operations management

   Section II Frequency application, frequency interference and visual frequency transmission restrictions

Article 40
Of the frequencies operated by the satellite communications operations, the operator is to apply with competent government authorities for approval and assignment in accordance with the satellite communications frequency segment distribution as defined in the “Wireless frequency distribution schedule of the Republic of China”.
The competent government authorities, when deemed necessary in response to the need of telecommunications and information development, may adjust the operating frequency or demand the operator to update the equipment, to which the operator and the user may not refuse or demand for compensation.
Article 41
Of the frequencies operated by the satellite communications service, electric power, transmission mode, station identification call number and so forth relating to radio wave surveillance operations, the competent government authorities are to manage such measures collectively, and unless otherwise approved, none of which may be operated upon or modified.
Article 42
The operator is to assign experienced high-end telecommunications engineering personnel responsible for or to monitor the operation of signal transmission at the fixed earth station.
The electric power the operator operates shall be limited to the demand of the actual implementation, and in the wake of any interference, the operator is to reduce the power or temporarily suspend the operation until it is improved.
The earth station’s permissible frequency transmission tolerance and mixed greater tolerance in the transmission power scale shall meet stipulations set forth under Article 19 and Article 20 of the Administrative Regulations on Radio Waves.
The foxed earth station’s antenna angular elevation, unless otherwise approved by competent government authorities, may not be operated at less than five degrees to avoid the transmitting signals from interfering with other wireless telecommunications.
Article 43
The fixed earth station the operator installs, when experiencing communications interruption or quality deterioration as arisen from the wireless radio signal interference by other operators, the operator is to first coordinate and resolve the matter on its own, and when unable to reach an agreement, may file for the competent government authorities to mitigate the incident, and all operators are to adhere to the decision made by competent government authorities.
Article 44
Of the satellite telecommunications network the operator installs, the competent government authorities may conduct routine or random inspection and testing, and when not operating the equipment as regulated or in the wake of equipment malfunction to interfere with others’ telecommunications, the competent government authorities may order the operator to adopt improvement within a prescribed deadline, and may restrict the operator from operating the equipment where deemed necessary, to which the operator is to comply fully as ordered by competent government authorities.
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations