Print Date:113/07/16 20:23

  Chapter 6 System Maintenance

Article 41
System operators should establish a system maintenance work diary and work record.
The work diary should record the following items:
1. Name and time of working staff in shift
2. Condition of breakdown and its repair time
3. Power cut-off and the time taken to resume power supply and the conditions of using self-provided power generator
4. Other technical engineering related items
Work record should record the following items in different sections
1. Record of wave leakage testing
2. Record of ground test meter resistance testing
3. Record of signal quality testing
4. Record of testing device correction
5. Record of service maintenance on signal processing device
6. Record of self-provided power generator service and maintenance
7. Record of breakdown maintenance (including average repair time)
The work diary and work record should be signed and inspected by the engineering supervisor, its format can be set by the system operators themselves, and preservation period is one year.
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations