Print Date:113/07/16 18:47

  Chapter VI Fees

Article 33
When reporting the subscription fees to the regulatory agency, in accordance with Paragraph 1 of Article 51 of this Act, system operators shall submit the following documents:
1.The computation formula and adjustment rate of every item of fees;
2.A statement on cost analysis and computation on the returns on investment;
3.A statement of assets and liabilities as well as profits and losses of the previous year;
4.A table of basic channels, the number of subscribers, operating costs and operating status;
5.The ratio of subscribers with installed digital set-top boxes, as well as the progress and future overall planning of cable television digitization;
6. The transfer pricing report or alternative documents prepared in accordance with regulation upon declaring income tax;
7.The execution and future planning of public channels and in-house produced programs;
8. The participation and future planning of public assistance and public welfare activities;
9. Other documents, as specified by the regulatory agency.
The fee review committee stipulated in Paragraph 2 of Article 51 of this Act shall be composed of seven to eleven representatives from the special municipal or county/city government and consumer protection groups, as well as scholars and experts whose professional expertise is relevant to communications, finance, economics, accounting, and law.
The special municipal or county/city government shall announce the subscription fee stipulated in Paragraph 1 before the end of every November and notify the central regulatory agency of the fee.
The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply when the central regulatory agency approves the subscription fees according to Paragraph 2 of Article 51 of this Act.
The information mentioned in Subparagraph 6 of Paragraph 1 involving trade secrets of the system operator or a third party shall be kept confidential.
Article 34
The 1 percent of the annual operating revenues set aside by system operators in accordance with Paragraph 1 of Article 53 of this Act shall be submitted to the central regulatory agency within six months after the end of each fiscal year.
When submitting the operating revenues mentioned in the preceding Paragraph to the central regulatory agency, a financial report of the previous fiscal year, reviewed and certified by an accountant, shall be attached.
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations