Print Date:113/07/16 19:26

Telecommunications Management Act ( 2023.06.28 Amended )

  Chapter II Operations of Telecommunications Business

   Section 4 Designated Obligations

Article 22
To prevent or respond to disaster prevention and mitigation activities or defense mobilization, relevant competent authorities may, according to the regulations in charge thereby, designate telecommunications enterprises to adopt measures that are necessary for communications or establish response related facilities.
Concerning those who have established a PSTN and have been designated by the establishment organization of communications surveillance, the telecommunications network thereof shall be equipped with the supervisory functions as prescribed in the Communication Security and Surveillance Act and the said telecommunications enterprises shall assist in the establishment and maintenance of communications surveillance system.
Except for the obligations derived from the acquisition of frequency as prescribed in Paragraph 2 of Article 54 or other laws providing otherwise, any expenses incurred from the cooperation between the designated telecommunications enterprises or those who have established a PSTN, and the respective competent authority as described in Paragraph 1, shall be borne by the competent authority accordingly.
Article 23
The competent authority, according to the relevant laws of the People with Disabilities Rights Protection Act, may designate the telecommunication enterprise to provide necessary telecommunications services to people with disabilities to access to.
Where the designated telecommunications enterprise cooperates to provide necessary telecommunications services or telecommunications terminal equipment required for the access thereto as described in the preceding paragraph, any necessary expenses incurred therefrom will be subsidized by the government.
Article 24
To protect nationals’ basic communications rights and interests, competent authority may, according to the region or service type, designate telecommunications enterprises to provide telecommunications universal services as prescribed in Paragraph 2 of Article 12.
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations