Print Date:113/07/16 18:38

  Chapter II Interconnection

   Section 5 Unbundled Network Elements

Article 14
Significant market powers shall unbundle its network elements.
The unbundled fixed network elements shall contain the following:
1. Local loops;
2. Local switch transmission equipment;
3. Local trunks;
4. Toll switching transmission equipment;
5. Long-distance trunks;
6. International switching transmission equipment;
7. Network interface equipment;
8. Directory equipment and service;
9. Signaling network equipment; and
10. Other items specified by the competent authority.
The unbundled network elements of mobile network shall contain the following:
1. Mobile telecommunications trunks;
2. Mobile telecommunications base transceiver stations;
3. Mobile telecommunications base stations control equipment;
4. Mobile telecommunications switching and transmission equipment;
5. Other network-related elements approved by competent authority.
The charges of unbundled network elements leased by a significant market power to other telecommunications enterprises, unless otherwise provided by laws or regulations, shall be determined through negotiation between both parties; provided that the tariff for network bottleneck facilities shall be charged on a cost basis.
The charge for a significant market power leasing its copper local loop shall be calculated by the historical cost method and shall be approved by the competent authority in advance each year.
Article 15
Significant market powers shall agree to set up the access point of local loops on the distribution frames of the local exchange, building distribution frame, distribution frames, or street cabinets.
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations