Print Date:113/07/16 18:51

  Chapter II Interconnection

   Section 6 Termination Rates

Article 16
The termination rate for voice service over fixed network and that over mobile network provided by significant market powers shall be set based on the announcement of the competent authority.
The termination rate mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be determined pursuant to the following principles in accordance with the cost of the applied relay, transmission, and switching equipment, which shall be reviewed every four years:
1. The termination rate shall be calculated based on the costs of the unbundled network elements; and
2. The costs mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be determined on the basis of TELRIC methodology.
Significant market powers shall disclose the calculation of termination rates pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the method, steps and other relevant information to the competent authority as requested.
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations