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  Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1
These Regulations are enacted in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 9, Article 16 of the Telecommunications Act (hereinafter referred to as “this Act”).
Article 2
The terms of these regulations are defined as follows:
1. Network interconnection: it refers to the network connection made by certain telecom enterprise in order to enable its subscribers to communicate with subscribers of other telecom enterprises or to access services rendered by other telecom enterprises.
2. Mobile telecommunications network: it refers to the telecommunications network composed of mobile telecommunications system and related cables and equipment.
3. Fixed telecommunications network: it refers to the telecommunications network composed of fixed telecommunications system and related cables and equipment.
4. Satellite mobile telecommunications network: it refers to the telecommunications network between satellite systems and mobile earth radio stations or other earth stations.
5. Mobile telecommunications network enterprise: it refers to telecommunications business that sets up mobile telecommunications network for mobile telecommunications service operation.
6. Fixed telecommunications network enterprise: it refers to telecom enterprises that set fixed telecom network for local telecommunications service, long distance telecommunications service, and international telecommunications service.
7. Satellite mobile telecommunications network enterprise: it refers to the telecom enterprise that sets satellite mobile telecommunications network for satellite mobile telecommunications service operation.
8. Local telephone business area: an area that is defined according to the administrative region of county (city), which serves as the service scope of local telephone exchange systems, and the telephones installed in this area shall communicate at a rate of local calls.
9. Tariff: it refers to the charge collected by the telecom enterprise from subscribers for rending telecommunication services with telecommunications equipment.
10. Cost: it refers to the cost of telecommunications service containing reasonable returns on investment.
11. Total element long run incremental cost (TELRIC): it refers to the long run forward-looking cost added to telecom enterprises for making use of equipment and their functions related to unbundled network elements directly or indirectly in order to offer network interconnection.
12. Dominant market player of Type I telecommunications enterprises: means the operator as defined in Article 10 of the Administrative Regulations Governing Tariffs of Type I Telecommunications Enterprises.
13. Point of interconnection: the substantial conjunctions set for network interconnection between telecommunications enterprises.
14. Call-by-call selection service: when subscribers make long-distance or international calls, the telecommunications network of call-by-call service providers shall connect the calls automatically according to the ID of the long-distance telecommunications network or international telecommunications network accessed by users.
15. Wholesale resale service: it refers to the service as defined in Paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Administrative Rules on Type II Telecommunications Businesses.
16. Mobile resale service: it refers to the service as defined in Paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Administrative Rules on Type II Telecommunications Businesses.
17. E.164 Internet telephony service: it refers to the service as defined in Paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Administrative Rules on Type II Telecommunications Businesses.
18. Mobile type selection service providers: it refers to the providers as defined in Paragraph 1 of Article 2 of Regulations Governing the Equal Access Service.
Article 3
These Regulations are applicable to the network interconnections between Type I telecommunications enterprises and between Type I telecommunications enterprises and Type II telecommunications enterprises.
These Regulations are applicable to the matter of network interconnections between the telecommunications enterprises that apply for the operation of Type I telecommunications service and have obtained the Establishment Approval, or between the aforesaid Type I telecommunications enterprise and other telecommunications enterprise.
Data Source:NCC / Law Source Retrieving System Laws And Regulations